Chem trails: poisoning our world from above
It was with immense gratitude that I looked upon the beautiful, deep blue sky – with almost no clouds – this morning. We haven’t seen skies like that in many months, and this morning’s blue sky was a very welcome surprise. Lately, it’s grey skies, covered in a never-ending layer of wispy thin clouds for as far as the eye can see.
Barely fifteen minutes after looking up at the beautiful deep-blue sky, with almost no cloud cover, I saw it. A thick, white line of heavy metals and other toxins hanging in the same skies where the plane deposited it merely minutes ago. The line was already beginning to expand and fall down towards earth. By mid-day, we had once again, grey skies and the intense heat that usually accompanies it.
I take photos from my bedroom window at least once a day, as I’ve been following the weather for many years now. I literally have thousands of geoengineering photos and videos, below are two photos from this morning, and one from last year before they began spraying chem trails.

nine in the morning – they are spraying chem trails

Twelve o’clock – Grey sky by mid-day

Natural cloud cover on the mountains – in the days before they began spraying with the planes.
Naturally, those with eyes to see will be greatly affected by this evil. Once we start delving into the controversial issue of chem trails, and we begin to see the negative impact on eco systems, micro-systems, animal, plant and human life, the climate, and the world, there really cannot be any other conclusion – this is not working. Spraying the atmosphere with aluminum, Barium and other harmful metals and poisons in order to help with ‘climate change’ is doing much more harm to our world than anything else.
This is why they say they are spraying
It is said that Geoengineering has the purpose of regulating earth’s temperatures by blocking out the sun, and to control the weather by ionospheric heating and cloud seeding. They do this by spraying a highly toxic mix of heavy metal particles and poisons – some additives of which are – Aluminum, Barium, Lead, Strontium, Sulfur and Tin.

Notice the particles falling and spreading
Some decades ago, people noticed that after volcanic eruptions which ejected sulfur-dioxide into the upper atmosphere, it had a cooling effect on the earth. Scientists then proposed that sulfur dioxide could have the same effect if artificially injected into the stratosphere. The dispersion of the mix of gas and metal particles would theoretically absorb long-wave infra-red radiation released by the earth. The heat-trapping layer of gas and metal particles has high emissivity and low reflectivity, which in theory will help cool down the earth (heat caused by greenhouse effect) by converting heat energy into infrared radiation – which then gets radiated into space rather than back to earth.
In actual fact what seems to be happening is that chem trails are resulting in the heating up of the planet, as heat cannot escape the thick layer of heavy metal particles and gasses in our skies. It is sealing in the heat, so the oceans are warming up, and therefore the ice is melting faster. Rainclouds don’t form, because the normal process of condensation is not taking place, and trees and other plants are no longer reacting to the seasons. Trees will keep their leaves for longer and as a result not have ‘winter rest’, while other trees will begin blooming much sooner than what they would under normal climates and seasons.
Nature is out of sync, and eco systems are affected – not only because of late and early blooming, but also by the poison falling from the sky, either via acid rain or natural gravity. Poison in the soil is devastating nutrient uptake of plants, which in turn has a detrimental effect on the micro-organisms living on or around such plants, which in turn will affect the entire eco system.
By interfering in nature with artificial means, we are doing much damage to our climate and world. We need to sit down and re-think our behavior and how we interact with mother nature. By nature our world, and everything on it is a well-oiled machine which can recover, re-sprout, regrow, multiply, cleanse, clear and keep flourishing. Humans are interfering with the ability of nature to do just that, and as a result we are all affected. We cannot fix our world with toxins, when toxins created the problem in the first place! What kind of thinking is that, I wonder?
Can we recover from this?
Chem trails is something we can easily stop doing, but will we? New research is showing that spraying the stratosphere (or any other layer of our sky) with toxic mixtures of gasses and heavy metal particles is not helping climate change – it is making it worse. And it is making us sick. The poisons are in our water, soil, food, and in the animals – it is everywhere.
The same research also shows that the geoengineering experiments, as it is called, is not in its entirety disclosed to the general population, and much of it is being kept secret. For some years already various groups are calling for the stop of these ‘weather experiments’, but to no avail, because there are other reasons for doing it. To see some of these research results in pdf form or video, follow the link at the bottom of this article.
Geoengineering is also been done for military purposes. They are implementing, and experimenting with, various ways of blocking out search signals and radar from enemies, in order to stay ‘invisible’ to them. Because this is seen as an issue of safety, large quantities of money is pumped into such endeavors.
Is there hope?
The world is waking up from a long and thorough sleep. People are beginning to see more, and we are beginning to react more, to the manner in which things are being done. At this stage honest and open education is needed, which means that the companies who are partaking in such projects as Geoengineering will have to be more open about what they are doing – and stop calling it con trails.
In the past, it was very easy to get away with saying that chem trails are con trails, because very few understood the difference. If ever you look up at a sky, crisscrossed with straight white lines, chances are really good (almost certain), that it is chem trails. If a white line in the sky is still there after five minutes, it is not a con (airplane condensation) trail; it is a chem (chemical additives) trail. A con trail line left by a plane will start dissipating almost immediately, and by five minutes will be almost completely gone. If a plane leaves a white line behind it in the sky, and it has not dissipated ten to fifteen minutes later, know that there are additives to the con trail – which makes it a chem trail.
Knowing the difference, and talking to others about this, is how we wake people up to this poisoning of our world. One person can wake many up, and many people can stand together against this evil; to reclaim our beautiful world, and make it free of poisons once again.
If you are interested in learning more about geoengineering, I suggest a visit to this website. It will be well worth your time.