What the heck is going on with the world?

Change and elevation in these times of renewal

Currently, witnessing the state of global affairs, It would be easy to concentrate on the numerous bad things happening around us. We seem to be overwhelmed by the negative. However, to focus on the negative would only solidify that energy in this existence, our chosen reality.

As you may know, earth is currently ascending, and taking with her everyone who wants to ascend to a higher consciousness: out of spiritual slavery into freedom. For this ascension to materialize, we need to be shown all things in this world that may be holding us back – individually and as a collective.

Never before, in this modern era, has there been such an influx of truth and revelation across the globe, seemingly all at once. Every corrupt system and every dark culture is being brought forward, being exposed, and light is being shone on it for it to be healed.

Whatever is not working, must either be amended or dissolved. We can no longer continue doing things as we did them before. The old system that was built on deception and slavery of many kinds must go.

It is our task then, as individuals, to focus on what we are building, and not on what has been wrong with this world. Each of us is already deciding, with every decision we make, which path we are taking going forward; whether that decision be based on a consciousness of love and abundance or on a lack consciousness.

Our chosen paths may still zig-zag as we make decisions; erring back to old ways of doing things, but then returning to the new paradigm. This may happen continually until we have healed our traumas and our de-programming of doing things. The old way must been obliterated and replaced with a better way of how we are to live our lives – independently from oppression and control.

Today, most people are glued to their screens – phones, televisions and pc’s – desperately awaiting the latest news in an attempt to find answers from external sources. As more and more terrible things are being revealed – airplane accidents, the lingering threat of World War III, children and women being saved from D.U.M.B.S. and baby farms all across the world, organ harvesting victims, human trafficking and hard drugs flooding the world – they affect us all to the worst emotional extent. It is all coming out now, seemingly together, so we as a collective can do something about it and help achieve ascension.

When people stand together, and when people know and understand the value of human life, the way we do things will change. We will improve the laws that protect our children, not desensitize them to violence, sex and debauchery. Our children need to be children for as long as they can be. They need to play and learn about life in safe, innocent ways. Schools should be staffed by trustworthy teachers and support staff, where our children are safe to learn and grow into well-adjusted young adults.

At the moment, relationships consist of instantly swiping left or right based on visual cues and prejudices (a shallow digital commodity available on an app). The resulting personal dates usually don’t develop into anything serious, and men and women are degrading themselves and those they date by not discovering the value of the other. The majority of dates are driven towards instant gratification, whether sex or money. We need to rediscover our connection to others in more natural ways, a return to the deeper, meaningful self.

How to survive this influx of negativity

We should not fall into the trap to think that the way ‘we’ think – our view of the world – is the only way for all people to think. There are many people on earth that simply do not know how to cope with all the negativity, and those people are vey often the same people who religiously watch news and other disaster documentary type programming – reinforcing their fear consciousness. Their viewing habits program their consciousness with fear, and they tend to fervently believe the things they watch so zealously. We should pray that we will find peace and truth.

Some people awaken sooner than others, but that does not mean that one is better than the other. Consider that earth is a soul’s place of learning and experiencing while in a physical body. For a person to have any sort of awakening, they must first be ready to have that awakening. If other aspects of their being and consciousness have not fallen into place to accommodate this awakening, we should not force them in any way.

Being active has so many advantages for us, mainly the fact that it releases into our system much needed endorphins. Endorphins is a brain chemical that helps us manage our moods by relieving depression. When we are happy and balanced, it is much more difficult to fall into a state of fear and linger there for extended periods of time.

Movement creates flexible bodies, and the more flexible we are, the better we can bend with the ebb and flow of what life brings. I must point out that the system of Yoga was created for the purpose of honoring the Hindu deities specifically, and therefore classifies as a dark art (except if that is your intention, then I’d say go for it). By contrast I can vouch for systems like Pilates, Chi Gong and martial arts systems of exercise or sport. Those are usually not spiritually based in the sense that it was not created to honor fallen ones or deities. Before you decide on a system of exercise, please read as much as you can about the system to enlighten yourself first.

Positive people have a positive look on life, and therefore we want to surround ourselves with positive people. Unfortunately, classified under positivity, we will also find ignorance. To a certain extent ignorance keeps many people positive, so it is admirable, but when people refuse to see truths that are presented to them, we need to be very careful around such people. They tend to have little outbursts of anger whenever their bubble of safety and illusion is in danger of being penetrated or burst.

It is very important for all of us all to remain informed, but stay disconnected from all the negativity and attempted control that comes with constant exposure to such information. For thousands of years, humans have given away their power to the entities – both those in physical bodies and those not in physical bodies – who have controlled us and made the rules.

We are entering into a time where those rules are being dismantled, and the deception and slavery in all of its forms are being dissolved by shining light onto it. It may be fearful times, especially to the many who are now for the first time beginning to understand how this world and all of us on it was hijacked. In a sense, the anger we feel when we become consciously aware, is helping to propel us forward into deliverance and healing.

That is what ascending in consciousness is. We heal the past trauma; collective and individual. Through this healing we leave behind the pain and we work through the anger. We release what no longer serves us so we can start afresh as sovereign humans, without the baggage that weighed us down.

Various companies are caught up in the race for compatible human implants and consciousness transfer, and to be the first to safely implement it for humans. The aim – to be immortal, or at least extend the human lifespan or improve human capabilities.

The answer is so easy, yet nobody seems to have figured it out yet. I saw a compilation of famous people talking about life and death, and how they fear dying. I was immensely saddened to see that none of those people had the one thing they needed to live on after this life without fear: the realization that the soul was created to be immortal in the first place.

Our lifetime on earth might seem short, but it is a fleeting moment in the eternity of a soul. We come here to have an experience, and then we go on to the next experience when we die. It is almost like going on multiple trips to exciting places, where we meet new people and have wonderful experiences.

Those who want to extend this lifetime because of their fear of dying, are not necessarily the greatest role models for us. As at some point we all have to realize that they are living separate from the God-head, no matter how they got to that place, or how many times they have been cloned or transferred into a new body. We can sever the link to our Creator, but the moment we do that, we also sever the link with the beautiful eternal experiences we have as a soul in human form.

The Creator gave us everything we need to survive and flourish on this earth. (Some of us) still have the eternal link to the Creator intact, which means we are receiving Source-energy – a most coveted thing to those who have severed their own connection to the Creator. When the fallen ones, who already had their connection to the Creator severed, gave of their own DNA to create humans in our current form – Homo Sapiens Sapiens – they downgraded us; somehow diminishing, but not completely severing our sacred link with the Creator.

They are now once again attempting to further downgrade us with their technology. Various studies from around the world shows that the Covid-19 vaccinations that were pushed so intently on the population of the world, was pushed because of what was in it. The groundwork for building the next human – Homo Deus, or Homo Borg Genesis.

Every booster vax added more tech to the human system, and with the ongoing Chem Trails program and Geoengineering of our food and additives to the water, and the Morgellon program, it is almost impossible to not be affected in some way. That is why so many of us feel drained of energy, always tired, sick or depressed. They are attempting to further downgrade our DNA, to be more manageable and to ultimately connect us all by means of a hive-mind. Their aim: to create the ultimate slave species, or at the very least a submissive one.

Now to the normal person out there, this may all seem laughable and a bit like the plot of a bad Sci-fi movie. I know, it takes time to assimilate all this information, but the vaccination program for new viruses was necessary for their plans and that is why they push it so relentlessly.

The next step might be more vaccine plans and Geoengineering of our environment and food, but the next big experiment will be implants. If we continue on the current path without changing how we interact with tech, I imagine at first they will give us the illusion of ‘free will’ so the brave people can try it out first. After that, they will start making it more and more difficult for people to not have it, and after that – they will enforce it.

So as you can deduce, it is imperative that people choose a path without these invasive technologies in our future. We should at this time, concentrate on becoming less dependent on technology and some might even move out of the big cities. We should experiment with planting our own food, or at least a tomato plant or something like basil or other herbs as a start.

Barter systems, where the implants are not needed should be encouraged between people. Everybody has at least some qualities or goods that can be exchanged, and those who don’t, should therefore be encouraged to develop one or more such attribute(s).

Each moment of every day, we are paving the path towards our collective and individual future. Those who are not able to ‘keep up’ with the changing frequency and vibration on earth, or those who have more lessons to learn in 3D, will exit now, en-masse. Over the past few years we have seen a mass exit of people from this plane. They will continue their soul journeys or other 3rd dimensional planes, to learn the lessons, and evolve in the vibration of 3D, to ultimately also stand before a choice of upgrading or downgrading to the next levels of being. Those of us who are left on earth, chose to be here at this time, and if we are to stay, we must think about the legacy we leave to those who come after us.

We are free to choose any path, without condemnation or judgment from our Creator, but know that the choice we make, will impact not only ourselves, but all the generations after us. If we decide to stand together, humans in our current form will survive, and flourish in a higher state of being, free of the oppressors with our free will intact.

If we choose not to fight for our freedom, and if we choose to go with the current flow, humans will degrade, downgrade, and sever the connection to eternity. If I may give an example of what awaits those of us who make such a decision, I will use the concept of the future humans.

It is said, that those who have the ability to channel or travel to other places via remote viewing, soul travel, astral projection, and so on, have had experiences with beings from our future. One could hardly call them human, as they more represent the greys who capture, experiment, invade and feed upon us, and whom we so fear and despise. These future beings usually come with a stern warning that we need to look after the earth, not use atomic weaponry, and be less dependent on technology.

Because of their choice to ascend through technology, and not naturally, they also lost the ability to procreate. I have seen by means of remote viewing, the breeding centers, where they merge our DNA with their own in a desperate attempt to live on and have a legacy. Huge wards where they have row upon row of experimental offspring that was created in this manner.

Those of us who have seen them, and interacted on some level with these beings, will describe them as ‘inhuman’. Let me explain a few things. Firstly, they have a leathery, grey-ish complexion and look sickly. They have a pungent chemical smell, and they are sensitive to sunlight. Now I ask the reader, what could have gone wrong in our future to make ‘us’ look like that?

I imagine that the current happenings on earth was the cause of their degradation. We know that the vaccines and boosters, together with the Geoengineering of our environment and food is designed to sever the connection to our Creator. This is not speculation, we have multiple sources of information, and multiple papers written and studies that was performed over the past thirty or so years. The information is there, and will find you if you know where to look.

The moment a being severs the connection to Source energy, they forego free will and that being will begin degrading; more so for the ability to have multiple incarnations. There is no eternal existence beyond physical death, no eternal life for such a being. Such a being also no longer has access to universal energy on a continual basis as we currently have, so the body – the physical avatar – begins degrading. In order to sustain itself, it needs to become vampiric in the sense that it lives off the life force energy of living beings who still have a Source connection.

Living in such a society will mean that they have continual access to energy farms, which in itself is pure evil. This would be an absolute necessity, for as long as such a disconnected being lives, it cannot sustain itself without ‘consuming’ the energy of others. I could write multiple books on this subject, but what would be the purpose.

The dark ones have been telling us about their plans for as long as radio and television existed. By this time most people are aware that our universe has rules, or laws, and that great karma is incurred when one goes against the free will of a sovereign being. They figured out a way of ‘telling’ us their plans, sometimes decades beforehand, and showing us on television and movies; avoiding karmic debt for forcing the will of free beings. If nobody objects to such a program or movie of ‘disclosure’, they go ahead and do what they ‘disclosed’.

For instance, the 9/11 Twin Towers event was ‘disclosed’ to the public in cinema and television since at least 1967 – that we have seen. Big events like that where they burn the place down, or where they destroy buildings and vehicles with people still present, is usually done for the purpose of sacrificial energy or harvesting of multiple energies. I suspect that in the months and years ahead, people will begin to connect the dots for themselves and the dark hand will begin to loose their grip on all of us.

It is not too late to make a difference. As it goes when people awaken, they have to sift through all the fake information out there and decide for themselves with what they resonate, and what they don’t believe.

Please allow me to share some of what I learned over the past four decades of searching and finding soul fulfilment:

  1. Don’t get involved with the New Age Cult. New Age is a massive disinformation campaign that started out as a medium that captures ‘searching souls’ and provides a comfortable place for them to stagnate. All the ‘answers’ are provided and there is very little reason to expand through true self discovery. Be vary aware, and do not get pulled in by this dangerous cult that is shrouded in positivity and loving energy.
  2. Any religion that teaches separation, judgment, segregation, anger, war or violence is – wait for it – man made. Our true Creator does not have ego or judgment, and does not distinguish between the different groups, nationalities and colors of people. The Creator wanted diversity and thus created diversity. The fallen ones created for us many different religions to follow and fight about. Just say no and do not participate.
  3. Any people, nationality, religion or cult that claims that women are inferior to men, is once again, man-made. Some of these groups advocate for men to take brides as young as seven years of age, because to them, women are no more than animals. It is then not surprising that these same men behave like animals when it comes to these poor children. When a religious book tells you that pedophilia is ok, and that you can sell your wife when she has her 12th birthday and you no longer want her because she is too old for you, then I would say it is probably a good idea to question that religious book.
  4. Respect the journeys of those around you. Spiritual ascension is not a group sport. We can assist each other and give advise and so on, but ultimately only up to a point. The rest is up to each individual.

My best wishes and blessings accompany you on your journey to renewal.