How the energetic field enables intuition
What are the Claires?
The link between energy and intuition
If one is to understand how intuition works it is beneficial to understand where it comes from firstly. We must understand that every system and every cell – even our energy is involved in getting input from outside of the self, as well as through our connection to the spiritual. This post deals with the more down to earth explanation of how intuition reaches us from our environment. In the first part of this article, I explain how the energetic body functions within the body, but also outside of the physical body and the function of the energy bodies. In the second part of the article I cover the higher aspect of working with the four major Claires: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance – and how to ascertain which of those is your best way to receive intuitive input.
It is important to understand this first:
The Energetic Field/Aura
It could be argued that the most important system in the human body is our energetic system. Without the energetic system, no energy would be delivered to the cells and organs and therefore our bodies would not be able to sustain themselves and wither and die as a tragic consequence. The ancients called the energetic system outside of the human body the aura. However, the energetic system continues inside of the body as well.
As a matter of fact, humans consist of seven layers. We each have one physical body which is the most dense of the seven, and six energetic layers. Each layer, or level, deals with a different aspect of being human (spirit in a physical body) and connects both to the spiritual and the physical through these layers.
There are seven major energy centers (or as the ancients called it – chakra points) which are linked to the energetic system (layers of the energy field/aura, and pathways of the meridians inside of the human body). Think of the energy centers as energetic points where energy comes together in a concentrated mass. Each energy center affects the organs and glands around them directly.
Humans need energy running through the physical body so it can function. Therefore energy runs throughout the physical body in preset energetic pathways we call meridians. When our energetic pathways (meridians) and our energetic centers (chakras) run unobturated and clear, our organs and the various systems of the body will be healthy. In the case of energetic obstructions the energy can no longer run as it should and blockages around the energetic centers (chakras) will begin to form. These blockages in turn will cause the energy around the energetic centers to be sluggish and slow down. That in turn will cause the physical body to become ill.
The energy centers
Depending on which energetic center is affected, the illness or disfunction manifests around such a point. Each of our energetic centers governs a specific area of being. The main seven energy centers are all situated next to, or close to a gland/glands. If one of our glands are taking strain or slowing down because no energy or low energy is flowing through and towards it, the entire area will become sluggish and the organs around that gland will either become ill, or struggle in performing its function(s). Energy centers with overactive energy also causes disfunction – so it is important to keep these energy centers healthy.
Every person has an energetic field and energy points, even when they are not aware of it. Without such a system humans would not be able to move around and have experiences. Except for moving energy around throughout the entire system, the energetic field also connects us to, and separates us from, the world around us. Call it an auric bubble if you wish, within which each of us exist. At the point where each of us ends and others begin, our energy fields are in constant communication. For instance, your energy field can scan and ascertain whether the energy of another is a vibrational match to your own, or not.
Placement of the seven main energy points in the appropriate colors
Human beings are perfect biological ‘machines’. Our systems are purely miraculous, and the fact that we exist in multiple layers, but functions as one organism is mind-blowing!
Our energy fields are magnificent in the sense that much like a personal computer, it records our thought patterns, experiences, emotions, beliefs and more. Each person’s energetic imprint is different from any other person on earth – it is unique. This imprint is not only limited to this lifetime. The least dense (Spiritual) level of each of us contains imprints and information about other lifetimes.
Have you ever walked past someone and felt like you have known them before? Your energetic system is able to read and compute the imprints of those around you. It also has the ability, as a result, to warn you with one of the intuitive forms of communication if you need to stay away from a person, place or situation.
All this happens on the sub-conscious level and without us being aware. Communication from the energy field usually comes via impulses and/or feelings. Sensitive people learn to work with these impulses and feelings from a young age, and some develop their energetic input into a fine-tuned sixth sense.
In this light we begin to understand better that the entire system is involved in our existence in a physical body? We are spiritual beings in a physical body, having a physical experience, but we need to look after our entire being re physical, emotional and spiritual levels of being to be whole. The energetic body is vastly important in our existence as it is the part of us that connects the physical and spiritual with each other.
Test your energy centers before reading on:
So what are the ‘Claires’?
Above we looked at how the energetic system carries information about each of us into the world and brings information about the world to us. We also looked at the importance of clear energetic pathways of the entire system and all its layers.
Claires are different ways in which each of us can receive intuitive messages from our energetic system. To a different extent, each of us has what we could call a sense of intuition, which we receive mainly in one of four forms.
For some people their intuition may be very strong and be accompanied by a ‘gut feeling’, while other people may have visual cues in their mind’s eye. Others still could experience intuition in the form of a knowingness, or even as sound.
We call these different ways of intuitive input the four Claires: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Claircognizance. Of course, there are other forms of intuitive input, but the abovementioned are the four main forms of intuition most people experience. Some people use all the Claires, while others might use only one. If one knows which manner of intuitive input is strongest, one can develop and strengthen it.
In each incarnation in a physical body our intuition is a pivotal part of human experience. It helps us make decisions and grow. Whether we choose to accept it, work with it and develop it is up to the individual. Some choose to ignore their inner knowing and intuitive input. There are many reasons why someone might not want to consciously work with their intuition, of which conviction is one.
Once we understand that the physical body, mental body and spiritual body works together as one organism, and we understand the role the energetic system plays in bringing information to and from each of these bodies, it is much easier to accept that our spiritual gifts and intuition are part of us and should not be seen as something dark or separate from us.
As a matter of fact, if there were no communication between each of our different levels and the three bodies, namely mental, physical and spiritual we each would not have been able to function properly as one coherent organism.
Below is a short description of each of the four main Claires:
Perhaps the most well-known of all the spiritual gifts or forms of intuition, is Clairvoyance. We hear the term often in mainstream media and religious scenarios. Mainstream religion has for hundreds of years demonized and persecuted those with spiritual gifts, of which the most infamous were the witch trials that lasted for three hundred years. This all adds to the stigma around the subject. People who receive intuitive information through Clairvoyant input (or any of the other Claires) will often times do not divulge that information to others for fear of ridicule or persecution.
Clairvoyance means to see clearly. In other words, Clairvoyance is the ability to see spirit. People with this gift often see images and colors in their mind’s eye. It is possible to see information about things that have already happened, or things that are still going to happen. Clairvoyants can also receive intuitive information about current situations, via visions (images). The visions sometimes come in the form of symbols which can make it difficult to understand. The visions will not always be clear pictures or photo realistic, therefore it is very important to understand what your visions mean to you personally. Each Clairvoyant will interpret their visions in a different manner, because their frame of reference might differ from other’s.
Clairvoyant people are visual people. See how many of the following traits you resonate with:
- You tend to dream in color and with vivid images;
- When you are doing creative work like for instance design work, you tend to get a clear image in your mind of how you want your project to turn out or look;
- When you close your eyes and think of an object, you can clearly see that object in your mind’s eye with ease;
- You get visual solutions in your mind’s eye for problems;
- You are artistic or creative;
- You sometimes see movement in your peripheral vision (the corner of your eye).
Clairaudience is when someone receives audible psychic intuitive information as guidance.
Clairaudients can hear the voice of spirit. The sound is inside the head/ears and not from outside. These people are sensitive to sound and do not like to hear loud noises. See how many of these traits you resonate with:
- You sometimes hear clear and direct voice messages in your inner ear even when there is nobody else around or with you;
- You sometimes hear ringing or buzzing in your ears;
- You sometimes wake up with a specific song in your head;
- You have heard at times whispering, music, singing or voices even though nobody was there;
- Words or solutions to problems tend to pop into your head fully formed, which is helpful to your problems or difficulties.
People who mainly receive their intuitive information via Clairsentience can receive intuitive messages in the form of emotional input, physical feelings, or gut feelings.
People who mainly receive intuitive messages via clairsentience have sensitive bodies and can pick up energetic cues from their environment, which manifests in their personal bodies as feelings of knowing. They will often say: “I feel…”. Their sense of feeling is highly developed and may be introverted because they can be easily over-stimulated by their environment.
See how many of these traits you resonate with:
- You sometimes get tingling sensations in your hands or other parts of your body for no apparent reason;
- You feel your emotions very deeply;
- You are able to feel the emotions of others;
- You need a lot of time alone to recharge and recover after being out and about;
- You are very sensitive/thin skinned;
- You intuitively know how to proceed/where to go/what to do, because of how it feels to you.
Those who mainly receive guidance and intuitive information via Claircognizance regularly have answers, input and other intuitive information pop into their heads seemingly from nowhere. These people seem to know impossible things without being told.
See how many of these traits you resonate with:
- You are an analytical person;
- You think about things a lot and are mind oriented;
- You often know things about people that they have not told you;
- You have the ability to understand people without knowing anything about them;
- Information pops into your head seemingly from nowhere, which mostly turns out to be accurate;
- People often see you as a know-it-all kind of person;
- You have in the past correctly predicted things that turned out to happen;
- You are mentally and creatively inspired, and good at solving problems with lateral thinking.
Count how many of these statements are true for you and see which category you scored the most in. Sometimes more than one category will have a lot of yesses and other times only one category will stand out. Knowing which one resonates with you can help you develop and grow your gift, so you can benefit from your connection to spirit energy.