In this short article I would like to remind the reader that each of us exists on three levels that make up a whole. We are firstly physical beings, who live in a 3D duality. We also understand that we, secondly, have a mind which could be called the ego-conscious, which helps us navigate, alongside with our physical body, the reality we each create for ourselves. And thirdly, perhaps the most important aspect is this: we are in essence a spiritual being (soul) on earth, who is having a physical experience (body), and an ego consciousness (mind) to guide us while having this physical experience. All three of these levels together, comprise one whole person.
If we experience dis-ease in any form, it is beneficial, and highly advised, to look at all three levels of our being. As an example, let’s explore a stressful existence. Stress is seen as a condition of mind, where prolonged stress alters the chemical balance of the physical body and will have an effect on it, resulting in various conditions. If left untreated (either mind or body) it can manifest in the spiritual. Most conditions begin as metaphysical issues which, if left untreated, manifest in the body and mind. One can not only treat one aspect of the whole, ignoring the other two aspects and expect to be completely healed.
Another example could be cancer. Someone with cancer has a body which is in a state of dis-ease. It had to come from somewhere? So if we look at cancer in the body, it is usually seen as a mass of abnormal cells within one’s body that keeps multiplying. How did it form? Usually, we can quite easily establish where it was formed. We could remove that abnormal mass with an operation and hope it does not return, but it often does. Why does it sometimes return?
Because we only looked at the physical aspect of the illness. At the core of this dis-ease, lies a lower vibrational frequency we generally understand as unforgiveness and resentment. Somewhere deep in the subconscious of such a person, a thought or multiple thoughts are stored, and because thoughts are to be considered a form of energy, it wants to be seen and dealt with in order to then be released; so it began growing. The discomfort of a growing mass of cells in the body – interfering with normal processes and cycles – is a reminder that we are holding on to lower vibrational frequencies (in this case unforgiveness and resentment), either consciously or sub-consciously.
We learn in Quantum Physics that energy can never be obliterated. It can change form, sometimes from a solid state into a liquid, into a gas, or into another form of energy; but it never stops existing. When energy is blocked, it reacts. If thoughts are energy, it will have to be dealt with in order for it to continue on its path through the universe.
Someone with cancer will have to then take care of the three levels of being if they want to completely eradicate cancer, or it will return. It is the mind and the spirit which may be manifesting the cancer again, as the feelings and thoughts of resentment and unforgiveness need to be healed and released. Mind, body, spirit – one aspect cannot exist in harmony with the whole if another aspect is experiencing stress or dis-ease.
The causes for spiritual or mental stress are sometimes hidden from us, and thus it is important to see a reputable, trained and qualified practitioner for help. Someone who works with the mind (psychologists, psychiatrists and so on) can advise on the chemical processes (natural and abnormal) taking place in the physical body, and how to normalize those. A spiritually trained practitioner (for instance a soul healer or clairvoyant – DON’T GO TO FORTUNE TELLERS!) can see the spiritual aspects and advise on those, while a medical practitioner (for instance a homeopath or herbalist) is specifically trained to harmonize the physical systems.