The split of timelines is ahead

How we arrived at this point, and how to go forward fearlessly

Even as a child I could see angels and other light beings.  They showed me various things about our world that I was not necessarily able to understand at that time.  My reference to the world and how it works – and the unseen spiritual – was still being shaped.

However, there is one thing that I knew with certainty and it was that after the turn of the century, the time we have been waiting for will be in full swing, and the split in timelines will be initiated.  This was something I understood clearly, and it was simply assumed that I would be part of this journey of being freed from the dark hand.

Many lightworkers have a knowingness that carries over from childhood into adulthood, that this is the lifetime for which we have been waiting.  Most don’t have the details, but they understand that we are upon the threshold of great change as humanity, and as a world.

With regards to our current situation, there is but one thing to know.  If we understand this, our decisions forward will be easy.  The most important thing anyone should know about the times ahead, is that one’s personal vibration will bring one either onto a timeline of Homo Borg Genesis (artificial intelligence, control, implants and technology), or onto a timeline where Homo Sapiens Sapiens move onto a future of reclamation of our pure and unbroken connection to the Source/Creator (and deliverance from the dark oppressors).

Practicing Sovereignty

Each of us was born with the ability to make one’s own decisions.  This means that we have free will to decide what we want to do, what to choose, what we want to experience and partake in.  Because of this we sometimes make decisions out of fear, and not out of love.  We become embroiled in thoughts like: “What will they say?”, “Am I doing the right thing?” or “Oh shoot, I’m the only one.  I’m going to stand out!”.

When we make decisions from a position of fear, it is easy to be influenced from outside of ourselves.   For instance, how easy was it to force a seemingly ineffectual and potentially dangerous experimental drug – regulatory fast-tracked for release yet with producer liability waved – on the world population?   How desperately did billions of people then take that purportedly lifesaving drug, plus extra ‘boosters’ of experimental, untested so-called preventative medicine into their temples (bodies).  How many people gave up logic and sovereignty to be compliant and to not stand out in a crowd or because of the media-cultivated fear of death?  That happened because the connection to God was severed, non-existent, weak or damaged.   People were swept up in fear consciousness, and listened to others instead of spending time with God and hearing His answer for themselves.

If we were honest about it, we could come to one conclusion when we think back on the scenario of 2020: the world was consumed by fear.  When humans are overwhelmed by fear, logic tends to evaporate from our minds.  In an ideal world, each of us would be educated in the pros and cons before having to make such a decision, but this is not (yet) an ideal world. 

The closest we can come to standing strong in our personal power, is to have a strong connection to our Creator.  No matter what the circumstances in which one finds oneself – at any point in time – if the connection to God is strong, the guidance to not do harmful things to the self will also be strong.

Our conclusion then should be that the harmful substances that were pushed on humanity, was a test of sovereignty.  There is really no kinder way to say it.  Many millions of people are now sick, or dead because we gave away our power.  How difficult or easy is it going to be to say “NO!” next time around?

Our free will is a gift from the Creator.  We have free will so we can experience, learn and grow in this 3D duality.  The aim is to climb the spiritual steps to a higher plane of being.  When we graduate to such a level, new lessons and experiences will come into our existence, and we begin to learn on these higher levels.  This is very thrilling and undoubtedly the purpose of being here.

Having an open mind going forward;

We the souls

Over the past 38 years I’ve educated myself in all matters pertaining to the occult, world religions and spirituality.  I came across many obscure books over that time period, and in one of those I found a chapter on why it is that humans have free will, what that means and why we were created as sovereign beings.

Try not to think of the following information as a religious or solely Christian account of the creation of souls.  Various groups will have different names for the one and only Creator of all – our Source and origin.  No church or group has personal domain over The Creator of all – He is here for all of us.  Truly, if you want to go forward into a better time, please accept the truth that God is in each of us and He is not the one who brought religion to this earth.   

I understand that it might be very difficult for some, at this point, to separate religion and truth, or spirituality, while reading this article.  For those who are ready for the next step, whatever that may be for each individual, see this article as history, compiled from innumerable sources of information and ancient books and tablets, removing the ‘miss-information’ from that, and then laying it out – with no religious connection except the ones the reader wants to make. 

Please remember that the dark hand created beautiful religions across our world, to separate us, and so some may think they are better than others according to their ‘superior’ personal beliefs.  That separation MUST be overcome and eradicated if we want to grow and move forward into a better future, together.  I am not asking anyone to give up their faith or religion, just to be open-minded while reading the following segment.

When God created the souls

I usually refrain from quoting text from books, but it is my guidance to add an excerpt from the chapter on ‘The creation of souls‘  here.  The information of how we the souls came into existence – as well as other valuable information of our universe and those with whom we share it – was omitted from the Bible in its current form, and other religious books. One would have to look hard and far to find such an accurate account of that in books available in the public domain.  For that reason I now quote from my book (I could not put it on paper as well as the original writers/translators myself):

Up to the point of the creation of souls, God Himself directly created everything in existence, and therefore, all had a direct link to Him.  When souls were created, we were once removed from ‘The Mind of God’, because the Son of God (still God because He is part of the Holy Trinity, but not the Father), and the angels each gave of the self to create the souls.  Because we are once removed from ‘The Mind of God’, it is understood that we have ‘free will’.  All other creations directly created by God (The Creator/Source) are directly tied to ‘The Mind of God’, and therefore have no independent thinking.  They are pure love and the highest vibration because ‘The Mind of God” is pure love and of the highest vibration.

For Christians who already know the story of Jesus, this is the reason the Amilous was born as Jesus to fight for our salvation and release us from the grip of the dark ones.  We were created by Him, and He is our heavenly Father, just as God the Father is our Father.  We are children of the Trinity, whether we are Christian or not.  Christianity is a man-made religion, with plentiful man-made rules, to keep us from the truth of our Creator’s love and empathy.  Religion – the structure built around faith – is not a pre-requisite for ascending to a higher consciousness and plane of being.

The false creators

A lot of information can be found on platforms such as YouTube and in the New Age Cult.  Off course this is completely by design.  The dark ones do not want us to know the truth of how we were created, and how this realm was hijacked and reshaped in their image.  To keep us from knowing the truth, they will leave us some crumbs here and there, semblances of the truth and a lot of ‘dis-information’ in-between.

The ‘fallen ones’ (Anunnaki) did not create us.  They came from the destroyed continent of Atlantis, and other places, with flying machines and they were therefore called by the first people: “Those who came from above – The Anunnaki.”  On this website we do not honor them, we expose them.  Therefore I do not want to spend any more time on explaining their lineage, hierarchies and names or histories.  Such information simply distracts from what is important. 

A quick word is needed here to explain that the Anunnaki were at some point infiltrated by the fallen ones, elsewhere in the Universe.  When they came to earth, they were NOT the first ones who modified the DNA of the earth hominids.  Before they came here, many other races gave of their DNA to help develop the best possible version of hominid (and off course, also the other beings on this planet). 

The difference, however, is that the Anunnaki did not have permission from the Creator, and they used their DNA not to make a perfect version, but a downgraded version of hominid, with a diminished connection to Source/Creator.  They are in opposition to the Creator of all and can therefore be seen as the dark balance to the light and love of the Creator – making this a plane of duality, and the perfect school of soul learning for those in the lower consciousness group.

Know that there are fallen ones, and that they experimented on some of the beings that were already present on earth in order to change our biology for their own purposes.  They needed workers who were intelligent enough to take orders, and they needed a means to pro-create.  The earth females were genetically modified for the purpose of bearing the Anunnaki children, and creating hybrids while the earth males were modified to be workers in the mines and fields.

Something hard to uncover, is that they also tainted the DNA of the already present creations of God, with their own in order to put their mark on us and remove our direct connection to the Creator.  Everything they have done in all the years since then, was to create a species of hybrids in their own image; a species that will be easy to control, a species who ‘by their own will’ severed the connection to Source/Creator.

In other words, the dark ones took the perfect creation of God and infused us with their DNA to create a slave-species, with a limited, or strained connection to Source/Creator.  So no; they did not create us, they downgraded us.

The first hybrids

From the Sumerian clay tablets we find accounts of the attempts to create many types of hybrids, of which many were unsuccessful.  However, one such an attempt to create hybrids from the Anunnaki and Earth dwellers, were the ‘giants’.

We find in the Christian Bible accounts of various giants, for instance Og, Magog and Goliath and his five brothers.  These are not merely stories, but accounts of real flesh and bone hybrid beings that were the result of the intermingling of the species.  However, our Source/Creator saw the damage they did on this earth and how they devoured the people, so He washed away the giants.  Those with the fallen, who did not have any means of escape, perished in the flood.  God did not send the flood because we were wicked, but because he wanted to rid the world of the damage the giants did.

The flood is also mentioned in other ancient accounts of the history of our earth.  Various nations have their own account of the story , and we can read those if we know where to look.

The creation of religions

The fallen ones cried king when they arrived here from another plane (planes).  With their technology and the ability to seemingly live forever (via consciousness transfer and cloning avatar bodies for themselves), and also the diminished connection of the new hominids (us), it must’ve been very easy for them to appear like gods. 

They must’ve taken turns to imitate, and pretend to be, the Holy Trinity here on earth.  I imagine it was a wonderful game of power and glory, especially because they thought that they had the upper hand over the creation of God – at least here on earth.

For ultimate control, they created various religions – so as to divide the people of earth.  Numerous regions invented their own religion, and with that a set of rules for the people to follow.  Some of the fallen ones created avatar bodies of green, blue and lilac skin tones for themselves – purely for dramatic effect.  Every region continued with the modification of the DNA of the new hominid Homo Sapiens in their personal domain, so that each could know their people by how they looked.  They created elaborate and beautiful temples, pyramids and other structures in stone – so it would stand the test of time and be seen for as long as there are humans on earth. 

Current affairs

When one learns about the true history of our earth, and how we have been kept in slavery and darkness, the usual response is anger – and that is not necessarily a bad thing.  If that anger can be channeled in positive ways, and towards self-growth and self-development, from that anger one could begin the journey of education and understanding.  Once we understand that we live in a perfect environment for growth and development, we can learn from this duality the lessons we need in order to graduate from it into a higher plane of being. 

Even though the scales seem to be tipping towards the dark side more now than ever before, it would be unbelievably sad not to grow from this and awaken as individuals and as a collective.

There are, however, those who still do not see and we need to pray for them and assist.  As our brothers and sisters in God, they are also on a path of growth and development.  The only difference is that the programming on this plane by the dark hand is so ingrained and so real to them, that they can suffer from what we refer to as ‘cognitive dissonance’ – noticing and reinforcing what matches one’s beliefs and ignoring or disregarding that which does not, or justifying the reason for it not being so in order to reduce the mental distress or discomfort caused by this inconsistency or contradiction.  A person in this state of being may be holding on to their programming, even after a truth is shown to them.  The truths that are shown to them do not resonate with the programming, and therefore it may be discarded without a thought (or with a lot of emotion against the truths being shown).  “It cannot be”,  “Impossible”, “Conspiracy theory”, “Lies”…

Two paths

We have reached the point where we each are now standing at the crossroads, and need to choose how to move forward.  For some, this is an easy decision, because we have familiarized ourselves with the facts, and we can make an informed decision.  For others, however, this is a very difficult decision.  For the very first time, some are hearing or discovering truths that are shocking or unbelievable. 

Such sudden, shocking truths can have the effect of bringing on depression or feelings of anger.  There are many of us who made it our lives’ journey to delve into these subjects so we could at this time, stand strong for the ones who are awakening now.  Currently, many of the so-called conspiracy theories from the past three or so decades, are being shown as real; and with evidentiary proof.  The world is choosing to awaken, and with awakening comes truth in all of its forms.

Time seems to be speeding up, and things appear to be happening faster than before.  Each person needs to work on their vibration at this time.  That means surround yourself with the things you want to make a part of your future timeline.

Someone who never puts down their phone is not going to love spending time outside in the fresh air.  They won’t enjoy surfing, taking the dog out for a walk, or working in the garden.  It is safe to say, that they are captured by technology.

For such people, they will advance on the path of reckless, unrestrained technology.  Computing, games, programming, hacking and so on will eventually also lead to a point of asking how it could all be faster and more effective.  In the timeline of technology – Homo Borg Genesis – the next obvious step will be implants to enhance the speed and simplicity of access.  Those who choose to become an elevated human through technology, will merge with the ‘Beast system’ timeline, which is AI, implants, and loss of free will through a collective consciousness, similar to a ‘Borg consciousness’. 

The ‘Beast system’ timeline is what the dark hand is trying to bring about with the relentless drive toward a one world government, and one world ‘religion’ – whether an actual religion or a proxy-religion built around say climate change.  The WEF mentioned not long ago that it could be beneficial to our world, if we ask AI to re-write the Bibles of the world and create a world religion so people can stand together in faith.

Such a system of one world religion would be just another way to control the population.  Religion is not the answer, and for as long as it exists, people will fight about it. 

In a ‘Beast system’, our link to Source / the Creator will be severed.  One of the big steps towards merging with technology was the nano tech many believe they introduced into the human body via the 2020 medicinal additions in the arm.

For those deciding to stay natural and untainted by implants and pervasive technology a new reality will be ushered in, with the connection to Source/Creator remaining intact and being amplified.  I’ve had visions of such a world since I was very young, and although it will not be easy to reach that peaceful next stage, those of us on that timeline will soon begin using less technology and some will move out of the cities – others will follow in time.

As people begin to go outside again, and as they begin planting their own food, or working with nature more, the connection to our Source will also grow stronger and thus living more organic lives will create a more positive timeline for us.

As more people opt for a life outside the system, communities will emerge and grow – and in time, flourish.  This will take some time of course and will not happen fast.  The earth has much clearing to do, and the dark hand did a lot of damage to the air, water and soil.  In the positive timeline the damage will heal, but in the ‘Beast system’ timeline it will not. 

They have already started blocking out the sun, and while in the positive timeline we will see natural sunlight return, the ‘Baal system’ cannot afford to have natural sunlight return as the pure rays of the sun will help people have mass awakenings.

Our children in the positive timeline, will have a whole new system of schooling, which will include more natural activities and subjects, while the ‘Beast system’ will continue to sterilize and invert our children, and defile them with pornography, legal paedophilia, and inversions of many other teachings.  History will also once again be changed and all that will remain will be what they want us to know.

Gen Z grew up with ubiquitous invasive technology and in some ways, I believe they were the test subjects for the coming age of technology dependents.  In my circles I know families where parents are limiting their children’s time with their tablets, phones, PlayStation/X-Box and other technology; and I know parents  who don’t.  The difference between the families and how they interact is quite clear and undeniable. 

Those parents who limit time with technology for their children, spend quality family time together, and the children are well adjusted and easy to communicate with.  They play outside and get vitamin D.  They also tend to be healthier with fewer allergies. 

The parents who don’t limit their children’s time with tech, have less successful family structure and togetherness.  The children tend to be sickly, difficult to control and antisocial.  They are very good with technology, understand it well, but they don’t understand human interaction as well as children who spend regular time with other humans.

From the above-mentioned family scenarios we clearly see how once again there are two paths and no in-between. At this stage we can say that our future timelines are either driven by technology, or grounded in spirituality. Both will be used for souls to grow, therefore each soul must choose for themself.

Another concern during the COVID pandemic is the babies who grew up with masks.  For the first year in some countries, or for the first few years in other countries, they only saw the eyes of people.  They didn’t see people smiling at them, like other babies did for as long as humans have existed on earth.  They are a unique generation who indelibly experienced that fear consciousness consistently for the first few years they came into this incarnation, and as we know, the first six years of a child’s life are the most important in shaping them.

The connection to other humans are being cut, and we don’t even see it.  People are mostly working from home these days, and even important business meetings are now taken from home, on video call.  We just don’t have to deal with each other like we used to in the past.  However convenient this may look we have lost an important part of human development by being so separated – connected only by technology.

However difficult things might seem at this time – and the near future – we are now entering a time of great awakenings, miracles and new beginnings.  If it happens that we all die before the time of our new earth arrives, we can rest assured that our children, and the children of our children will inherit what we are working towards. 

Everyone who puts in the work towards healing the wounds of the past, and rekindle their personal connection to Source/Creator will reap the rewards.  We cannot enter a new way of being with a higher consciousness with all of our old baggage.  We need to heal what we can, forgive, and then move on from the pain.

As we begin to work together, stop following news and negativity, look after and protect our children, live more healthy and use our technology responsibly, the new earth we are inheriting as a result is no longer somewhere in our future; it is upon us.  Everything we do from this day onward and every thought we think, is shaping our new reality.  Let’s make it a wonderful one.

To our Creator all the thanks and glory for the opportunity to experience, learn, grow and graduate.