Is time linear?
So many people are talking about time, timelines, and about how fast time is passing lately. In light of all this, I spent much of this week thinking about my personal experiences with time, and my schooling in all matters regarding the subject.
Ever since I can remember, my experience of life had been filled with ‘supernatural’, or metaphysical, experiences. I was able to see ultra terrestrial beings and angels (and also ‘the others’) for as long as I have memory of being alive. Because of my ability to see beyond the veil, my meditation times are filled with vivid visions and astral experiences.
One day during a meditation session, I had a profound experience, which helped shape my belief system and how I see ‘everything’. During that particular session, I kept going deeper, until I found myself in front of a person, and from the scene in front of me, I surmised that I had arrived in the European dark ages. With my inner vision, I understood that the old woman sitting in front of me was awaiting trial for witchcraft.
The room looked like half of it was carved from stone, and the other half was built with stone. It was dark and moldy, with a small window. The window was high up – above head height of a grown person standing up straight, with metal/iron bars. In front of me, on a piece of wood turned into a seat of sorts, sat an elderly woman with wild grey hair.
I was still taking in the scene and observing all aspects of the situation, when she suddenly looked straight at me and began talking to me. The moment she looked at me, I was filled with terror – not only because she could see me and was fully aware of my presence, but also – because this woman was filled with darkness. The darkness flowed out of her and it was palpable. I was scared to look her in the eyes.

When I realized that I was in a different time as what she was, I could not help but wonder how this woman, this witch who was awaiting trial during the time of the dreaded witch trials, knew I was there, could see me, and was now talking to me.
This happened when I was still young and experienced ‘many firsts’ in the metaphysical world. In spite of this, I did not doubt that I was having a real experience with smell, sight and sound. The experience was comparable to the many psychic visions I experienced while wide awake, prior to, and up to that point in time.
There was however, nothing that prepared me for the shock of the interaction that I was experiencing during that meditation session, across time and space. Of course, since then I’ve had other profound journeys through ‘time’. That particular session however, was a turning point; sort of like when we succeed in doing something difficult, and then knowing that we would be able to do that again because we experienced success in conquering what was previously seen as ‘impossible’.
Just then, I was wondering whether I should end the meditation because I was experiencing fear. What happened next was a moment that propelled me onto a journey of healing lifetimes of pain, hurt and trauma. I saw with my inner vision that the woman in front of me, was me. It was me in another time, having a different experience, and learning about things that prepared me for my current life.
She started out as a healer and midwife, but as the town’s people needed more dark spells and control over harvest, weather manipulation, love, revenge and so on, she became more dark herself. She began working with ever more dark energies, and became a powerful witch of which the town’s people were very scared, and in the end the power she had wielded terrified them so much that she found herself in the position where I met up with her during my meditation. During her time there, in between sessions with the inquisitor, she vowed to carry the energy of the witch with her in all lifetimes, in order to never be a victim again.

Because that was me in another incarnation, her vow- which remained and spanned into other incarnations – carried over onto mine. I was still very young, six or seven years old, when people often seemed scared of me, and didn’t always understand why they felt that way. As I became an adult, the energy grew, and wherever I went people called me “witch”. That hurt me deeply, and however hard I tried to get away from that judgment, I was unable to do so.
The old woman, as if reading my mind in that moment of self-reflection, explained to me how time is not in reality linear. We measure it in a linear fashion, because of how our society functions,. We think about time as linear, because we get up, go to work by a certain time, go home, eat and then go to bed – all more or less at the same time each day.

In reality, she said, time is more ‘flexible’. If we look at time from the side, it looks like a line – linear. When we look down on it from the top, we see a circle. However, time can be expanded, contracted, and jumped, because it has levels, much like a spiral. So when we expand the line we saw from the side, or when we expand the circle we see from above, it becomes a spiral (or something that looks like an expanded spring or slinky). Whenever we need to exchange energy, wisdom, or strength from another aspect of us, from another lifetime, we can draw that in because time is not really linear. We are experiencing all aspects of our being at once – wherever that may be. We each do this all the time without even realizing.

After my time with her, I began seeing multiple lifetimes in which I had lived as a healer – sometimes good and sometimes not. In multiple incarnations I was burned, tortured, degraded, humiliated and mistrusted because I carried the energy of the witch that she vowed would make us strong. Only after learning about vow releasing was I able to finally rid myself of that energy, and live a life without that incredible, unfair and unnecessary judgment.
Herein lies the lesson of multi-dimensionality
How many of us have recurring issues in our lives, not knowing from where it originated? Because of the fluidity of time – whether we understand it, or whether we believe it or not – Issues from other incarnations can cross over into this one.
This particular vow created many lifetimes of persecution. It is perhaps also beneficial to mention that the energy of the witch came with a lot of demonic activity around me, of which I was aware since I was very young. They will stay until the vow is broken or severed, because they were invited in.
It is then with great humility that I issue a warning to those reading my words, to take great care when proclaiming, vowing, promising, or stating with a lot of feeling and clear intension.
Know that there are metaphysical beings out there that are always listening, and eager to jump in. Those beings who occupy the realms of the metaphysical, do not ‘die’ like we do, they continue on. They know who each of us are, and if there is a vow, they will hang around for as many lifetimes as it takes for the soul to break that vow or proclamation.

It does not matter how innocent it looks, or how they dress it up in shiny glitter – the price for playing on that playground is immense.
Witchcraft is the playing field of the demonic, and when we get involved there, or play there, it comes with a price. Someone will at some point want payment in full – whether we are aware of it or not. It does not matter how innocent it looks, or how they dress it up in shiny glitter – the price for playing on that playground is immense. Many are still dealing with – knowingly or unknowingly – with energy flowing over from other lifetimes.