8. The King’s list and fake gods

Continued from: DRUGS AND ALCOHOL

At this point you may ask yourself why they want to capture or fragment people, and keep us in karmic cycles.  Well, I explained above, but will now go into somewhat more details. 

All creatures and organisms need to feed, even if it is energetically.  Even when they do not have a physical body. In such a case an entity can either transfer consciousness into an avatar body (clone), attach to someone else’s physical body, or possess someone in a physical body.

The fallen ones learned how to, through technology, and manipulation of physical beings, fashion for themselves avatar bodies (clones) in which they were then able to be in physicality.  This happened elsewhere in the universe at first, and when they came to earth, continued. They then had form and mass and therefore could be seen, and they could have experiences. 

We know from books and clay tablets that the Elohim (Archangels or Creator ‘Gods’) were granted codes, technology and to a certain extent the power to create and manipulate matter.  As an Archangel, Ba’el was one of the most avid creators and he was also the one who designed the dinosaurs and reptiles.  We understand from ancient scriptures and books that the very first insect that was created was a fly, and that Baal (then still Ba’el) created flies.  In this light it should go without saying that creating avatar bodies (clone bodies)  for the corporeal fallen ones was not that difficult to do for him.

These avatar bodies would degrade or age over time, and in such a case a new body would be created and the consciousness of the entity would simply be placed into a new avatar body (clone).  You might have heard about the Old Testament kings who ruled (in some cases) for thirty thousand to forty thousand plus years before another king’s rule began. 

That king’s list is also documented in ancient Egyptian writings and on the Sumerian clay tablets. It seems fantastical that some of these ancients were able to live that long – and yet – we are made to believe that only some people lived longer in the ‘olden days’. 

Of course, we understand from ancient accounts that the gods of old ingested things like monoatomic gold, enriched blood as well as other things we don’t yet understand today, to extend their own vitality. However, transferring their consciousness into a new body could have extended their lives with thousands of years.

It is my belief that we witnessed in our past on this planet, incredible technologies of which no trace exists today. We must have had, at various points in our history biological, mechanical, electrical and various other technologies if we look at the incredible ancient temples that are still standing today, and witness the infamous king’s list.

The bible also tells a story, equally fantastical, of how ‘God’ wanted to drown all the people of earth with a ‘great’ flood.  In actual fact, we (humans) were caught in the middle of a celestial episode between the two main players of a war that began millions of years ago, and not on this planet.  Christianity is riddled with stories of really bad things in the name of ‘God’. 

Know that there is an Anachi/Anunnaki entity who pretended to be ‘God’ all through the old testament of the Christian Bible. When Jesus (Yeshua the Christ) were in human form during the time of the New Testament of the Christian Bible, He specifically said on multiple occasions that His Father (God) is not the same as the Old Testament ‘God’ who fancied himself to be so important that he pretended to be God (Yahweh). Much evil is believed and perpetrated in God’s name, and many people ask: “How can God allow …”

Let us just say it as it is. If we continue to refer to our Source/Creator as God, these miss-interpretations about gods will continue. Our Creator, or our Source, is not the same as our god(s). The dark ones saw an opportunity, and claimed the position of ‘God’ and it was so successful that they created whole pantheons of gods all over the world and in different societies. It is clear that the Creator and the gods of the various nations across the old world, and even the Old Testament god is not always the same. Whenever the Old Testament God Yahweh went all maniacally, I can almost assuredly say that it was ‘the other guy’ pretending to be God. Our Creator is stable, never-changing, almighty and fair; something ‘the other guy’ is not.

The Creator created earth as a safe place for us to have physical experiences. The fallen ones who pretended to be gods brought with them power, lust, hierarchy and so on. They created religions, war and class systems to keep us separated and kept in a perpetual cycle of fighting for survival. We each have at this time an opportunity to choose to either return to a place of love, or stay in this ever-lasting cycle of lack, unrest and division. We need to stop blaming God and step into our power, and create a future we want to be in. If you have ever wondered whether you are on the ‘right’ path ask yourself the following questions and decide according to your answers:

  • Am I celebrating love or am I celebrating fear?
  • Do I have an open heart, or a closed heart?
  • Do I see myself as a victim or someone who is having experiences in order to learn/grow/teach others?
  • Do I honor the sacred masculine and sacred feminine or do I believe in the inversion of the sexes/ becoming one sex?
  • Do I have a relationship with nature or do I prefer artificial environments?
  • Do I know my personal boundaries and do I honor those or is it difficult for me to say no?
  • Do I act with empathy or do I look away whenever I see need?
  • How do I see life on this planet – those of people, unborn babies, animals and plants?
  • Am I helpful to others or is everything about me only?
  • How easy is it for me to forgive others?
  • Can I accept that others might have a different point of view on controversial subjects or do I lose my temper and yell at them until they see things my way?
  • Am I judgmental towards those who have a different outlook on life than I do?
  • Have I worked on my inner wounds, and do I understand my personal shadow aspects?
  • How healed am I as an individual (1 to 10)?
  • Can I freely give and receive love or do I see love as conditional?

After doing the questionnaire, decide which side you lean towards. At this point in time, we really only have two choices – one is the path of merging with AI/Technology and the other is staying natural. There is no in-between, and there is no real right or wrong. As long as we know what awaits us after choosing, we can make the decision that best suits our vibration. This questionnaire can also provide us with an indication on what we could work on in order to choose differently.

The Raphiem

The Christian Bible is just as interesting as some of the old Sumerian texts, or the Mahabharata It sometimes reads like Sci-Fi, and at times – if one is an alert scholar – the content can be shocking. So much has been hidden, inverted, wiped clean and removed from our history.

In ancient texts, including the Christian Bible, the story goes that the Nephilim took wives and had children with earth women. The children of the Nephilim (the Raphiem or giants), were unruly. They wreaked havoc and began devouring humans.

There was so much darkness on earth that one faction of Annunaki wanted to wipe out the other one, and with it everything they created on earth: genetically modified species of animals, hominoids, blood thirsty ‘gods’ in cities of sin, and even machines. After the flood some of the Raphiem and Anunnaki survived, or returned to earth when it was safe for them to do so. They were not ready to give up the power they had, and today are still deciding the fate of billions of humans. Literally all aspects of human life is decided by those in power. The decisions mostly driven by personal politics between the ruling parties and those involved, long before it becomes politics on the level of world and individual countries politics. Think levels of a pyramid.

An AI Machine called Barbarik

Machines – or to be more specific – a robot named Barbarik, is mentioned not in the Christian Bible, but in the Indian texts – which is at least four thousand years old. Barbarik is said to have been an AI robot with lightning fast use of extreme weaponry, but lacked in other areas, for instance human interaction or speech and mobility.

As the story goes, Krishna asked the robot to cut off its head after he questioned Barbarik. Krishna was worried that the robot who meant well – but had AI intelligence and who did not understand how humans think – would do harm to humans while trying to help them. He ordered that a deep hole would be dug and that the head of Barbarik would be placed inside a sealed box, in the deep hole, and covered up.

When people dug a well for water thousands of years later, they found the box. When they opened it, they found inside it the severed head of Barbarik. Today one can go to the temple that was built on the site where they found Barbarik’s head, and you can see the head of Barbarik. Today, the head is covered in clay, and painted, but the people there swear that it is the original head underneath the clay.

Around, or just before the war of the Bhagavat Gita roughly four thousand or so years ago, we know that the head of Barbarik was found while villagers dug a well, so we assume that The AI was older even than that – so old that the ruling king at the time did not have previous knowledge about it.

Taking these accounts into consideration, it really is quite easy to see that the dark hand coaxing humanity onto a path of merging with AI, has always played its part in the corruption of humanity and shaped us since the very beginning.

They did not create us, but they did modify our DNA to suit their personal agendas. In doing so, defiled in a way our vessels, and deactivated parts of our DNA and connection to Source/Creator in order to create a slave-species. That however, is a story for another day.

As it goes, the dark ones need to invert anything good and pure so they can put their mark on it, because they hate The Creator, The Holy One and the Amilous.