The energy in names
When my father was still alive, I asked him how I got my name; as children do. I have a unique name that I never used to like. Whenever someone asked me what my name was as a child, I usually just told them to guess. I knew that they would probably never be able to guess an exotic name from a different country, correctly, and that meant that I would not have to tell them my name – of which I was very embarrassed.
My father explained that by the time I had to be registered as a baby, I still didn’t have a name. He went alone to the registration office while my mother looked after me at home. He told me that as he was standing in the queue, he still couldn’t think of a name and he was beginning to get very worried.
It was only when he was standing in front of the registrar and they asked him what my name was, that it came to him. It came like a lightning bolt, seemingly out of nowhere. He knew without a shadow of a doubt what my name in this lifetime would be. However unnatural I thought my name was as a child, the numerological value of my given names at birth is one of strength and endurance.
Interestingly, every sound or letter in a name, brings in an energy. Even our universe was created with sound (vibration). The Creator spoke the words (vibration) and that created what He spoke. Think how music can affect us – different genres of music have different effects on us because it is different in vibration (sound). Thus, every sound or letter in a name brings with it an energy that comes from the resonance of that sound. Resonance is a phenomenon in which a system or object vibrates at a greater amplitude when it is subjected to a force or vibration that matches its natural frequency. The natural frequency of a system is the frequency at which it vibrates most easily.
Numerology is the math with which we calculate the vibration of a name; the science behind the value of letters (or sounds). One can learn an immense amount about the self by studying the value of a name. We can see by calculating various combinations of the full names at birth (as on birth certificate), short name, current name, family name, and birth date. If a child or person is not called by the given name at birth, it often means that someone – either the parents or the child, is not ready for all of the lessons it would be calling in by use of the birth name.
How we get our names
Because each sound in a name is creative – meaning each sound will create something specific for us, a name is incredibly important. Whatever you choose to call yourself is what energy you will call in from the universe, and continually create lessons and experiences with that energy.
A child who is about to be born will already know a rough plan for the upcoming lifetime, and they would know what they need or want to accomplish in the upcoming lifetime. To help, or to hinder, will be their name. Whichever one of the parents is more open will be the one who will ‘hear’ the name. How many times have we heard parents say something like this: “The name just came to me” or “I heard the name in my mind”.
Off course some people are irresponsible parents. In their ignorance and immaturity, they may call their child something terrible as a joke, or for some other reason. Parents should take great care when naming children.
Even parents who read books on naming a child and get professional help in choosing one for their child will in the end choose the name they gravitate towards. Family names are still chosen, even if the spelling is different. Naming children after famous people or characters are also a choice. Therefore, it is important to choose a name that resonates.
Sometimes it happens that a child will want to change their name because it feels wrong to them, or because they don’t like the name. Perhaps the parents got it ‘wrong’, or perhaps the child is unable to face some of the energies that the name draws in for them. This subject is huge and we can speculate and discuss this forever and not get all the answers.
One thing is certain, and it is that the person who carries the name, carries the vibration. If they choose for others to call them by a pseudonym, it might mean that they are unable to carry the weight of the name – however strange or small we might think it is.
One’s name may last a lifetime, and whether one chooses to use a pseudonym or a given name, that name continually draws in energy from the universe every time it is spoken.