Perhaps much in the same way as the Aztecs and Mayas, America is also being collapsed from the inside. The world has their eyes on this country, and we are looking on in shock and disbelief at what we are witnessing there. Each day seems worse than the day before, and while the country is patently being inundated by illegal immigrants, it is divided and not only by politics, but by the agendas of the dark which is playing out in full sight of those willing to acknowledge it. Old men can now ‘be’ (by identifying as such) young girls and anyone can identify as a kitten or dog too (“furries” taking on their “fursona”) – and should be respected for that.
People across the globe are being conditioned not to ‘offend’ anyone with their ‘microaggressions’ or pointing out that the emperor has no clothes, hence few are willing to tell the truth anymore. Everyone is too afraid to say what they feel, and know what is true, and when someone out there is brave enough to do so, they are being ‘cancelled’ and completely severed from actively participating in society.
Mental illness and possession by disembodied entities are reaching record numbers across the globe, and has now become something to celebrate. For political expediency trans people have had a flag raised at the white house and an entire month is proudly dedicated annually to all things “queer”. No flag has been raised to honor any of the humanitarian groups who actually do good though. One has to wonder why not.
People cheer on while trans and gay men have simulated orgies in front of toddlers, and without shame, on religious symbols, and trans women brazenly flash their newly acquired breasts in public. In the pride parades some men openly walk around barely clothed or bottom naked, and with six color rainbow banners proclaiming Satanic slogans, or ones that simply state: SATAN. In an ideal world this would not be a problem, but when children are involved we need to take care what we are normalizing.
A nation without strong morals and a connection to a higher power, is a nation lost. We saw this so many times in the past. History teaches that whenever a nation reaches the stage of disconnection that so many across the globe have reached at this time – whenever the taboos are being overturned and celebrated – a collapse of such a nation is imminent
There are very few sacred beliefs being revered anymore, in fact, the genetic differences between males and females imprinted on our DNA and proven as scientific fact are seen as mere uncomfortable delusion and as such the spiritual concept of the sacred feminine and sacred masculine are being destroyed. As such, the ushering in of the age of Baphomet is upon us.
Trans is the becoming of both sexes (or one unified sex), exactly like the Baphomet. The Baphomet has female breasts and a penis. It is a Beast System demi-god (fallen angel), and that is why the satanic energy is so obvious in this movement. It is not by accident that the rainbow flag has six colors. The original rainbow visible on this earth, the one we witness, has seven broad-spectrum colors, and it encompasses the broad colors of our visual spectrum. The Beast System rainbow has six colors.
My words denouncing this satanic movement (not the people) may sound harsh and judgmental, but I personally come from a satanic background and I lived it for a long time. Because I’ve lived it and know it from the inside, I think it qualifies me to attest to it rather than merely having an opinion. I’ve dated men, women and everyone in-between, and I too (previously) lived in opposition of our Creator for quite some time. However, that was a long time ago, and I’ve not forgotten the lessons I learned from my time of walking in darkness (and serving it).
We are being changed from the outside, because we have lost our identities and we have lost our true connection to our Source/The Creator. As we stand before the most important decision we have ever had to make – either towards a technological ‘borg’ future with a disconnection from our Source, or towards a natural biological future towards a higher consciousness and our connection to Source intact.
Either way, we are being coaxed into taking the road of least resistance. With that we are being spiritually, mentally and ultimately genetically manipulated – without being conscious about it – into the next level of human. We are being shaped inadvertently into ‘Homo Borg Genesis’ because we are on some level all agreeing to this metastasis by not fighting for the right to remain natural and un-poisoned.
In some ways, what has happened so many times in our past is now happening once again. There are those who think that the explicit biological interference with Homo Sapiens stopped, or never even happened. I think it has become more than clear over the recent decades that it is dangerous to think that a controlling extra-terrestrial race with dark intensions will give up power over its slave species.
Education is needed to help people awaken. Long gone are the days where the ones in the know should fear upsetting the ‘unknowing masses’. Those unknowing compliant masses are causing mega societal shifts such as ‘woke culture’ and ‘The New Age Cult’ to flourish and hold us all captive in that comfortable place of being numb, un-awakened and clueless while ever more of our freedoms are being taken away.
The timelines, and with that the two distinct future possibilities of this planet, is splitting. We know that the divide between the groups is getting larger and more difficult to bridge. However hard we try, it can no longer be bridged, because individual consciousness will from this moment forward decide the individual’s path.
One path is going towards a more artificial body and is technology based where a disconnection to the Source is imminent. The reptilian races, greys, spider and mantis beings, demonic races, Nordics and other races who chose technological advancement and severed their connection to the Source, are the races known to abduct humans for various purposes. The disconnection from the Source also means degradation of their physical vessels, and consciousness transfers, hybridization and cloning. For those purposes they have to forcefully take biological matter from animals and humans. The physical body degrades when it has no Source energy to help sustain it.
The second path is a path of staying connected to the Source, with a natural body intact. So in effect we are looking at two different ways in which the current human can ascend. One is technological, and one is spiritual. Both are right and neither should be judged.
There is not much we can do to help people dodge a very dystopian future of control and in which group consciousness and total disconnection from our Source is imminent. We can help people by pointing out the obvious programming of our consciousness, the deliberate lies and deception, and the inversion taking place to truth in all of its forms. However, all must decide for themselves which path resonates. If one has all the facts, a decision is easy to make, but information is being twisted, inverted and being kept hidden.
Know this:
- A split of two distinct paths is imminent;
- Each person can only choose a path for the self, nobody else;
- Only one of these possible paths is popular and supported by those in power;
- We have been awaiting this shift for lifetimes, and we are finally here;
- We will have to leave some loved ones behind when we go forward without them.