Many questions answered about the duality in 3D, and the ability to choose (in all areas).
Some thoughts on surviving Earth School
… Self love is a journey. It starts with the ability to give love, but also the ability to receive love. …
How childhood trauma shapes us
… Earth is a learning school. We are here to graduate into the higher realms of existence and thinking. All exams are difficult but nobody wants to do the same school year over and over because they don’t pass the exams. This is a game we play. All of us originated from love and will in the end return to it – no matter whether we perceive some people as darkness incarnate because of all the perceived bad things they do. …
Learning about love and compassion
… Empathy is something anyone can cultivate, after healing the self, living a heart-based existence. The barriers we build around us so we won’t experience pain, are the barriers keeping us head-centered and not heart-centered. …
The energy in names
The science behind the value of letters (or sounds) is called Numerology. One can learn an immense amount about the self by studying the value of a name. For this one would need the full names at birth and the family name as well), as well as the day and year of birth. If a child is not called by the given name at birth, it means that someone – either the parents or the child, is not ready for all of the lessons it would be calling in by use of the full birth name.