Some thoughts on surviving Earth School

Self care

Part of becoming whole (as an individual), means having joy.  A body or mind programmed with pain, trauma, anguish, struggle or bitterness will perpetually manifest more experiences to break the heart of such a person over and over.  It will do so because one’s programming is such that it does not recognize joy and good.

If one finds oneself in a situation where struggle and trauma is one’s reality –  the journey out can be painful and long, but it doesn’t have to be – the programming needs to be broken.  The very first step is to step away from technology and begin to make time for the soul.  This is accomplished by stepping outside.  Connect with nature in some way.

If there is no nature or park, and if it is too dangerous to take walks, try getting beautiful house plants.  Look up at the sky – even if it is from a tiny window in the city.  Start small, take the first step.  Many people are scared to go out, but as your imagination starts growing and flowing with the drifting clouds and your soul begins to live again, more pleasant experiences will manifest in your life.  Start by seeing beauty so your heart can open.

Becoming whole and healing the self is a journey.  Sometimes we get lost in pain and darkness to the point where we can no longer see any light. It is easy to stay in a trauma cycle when we have not yet become conscious of the fact that we are re-creating trauma in order to heal it.  If trauma has attached to it feelings of shame, guilt or inferiority we might even withdraw into ourselves.  In such cases we might become so overwhelmed that we stop interacting with others all together.

The role others play

We need people in our lives, we are social creatures by nature, no matter how introverted we may be.  It is very difficult to grow as people when we are alone and without others mirroring back to us who we are and how we are being perceived.  We grow as part of groups like family, friends, work and social.  We also grow in karmic groups. It is with the help of those around us that we become who we strive to be.

Through others we see where there is need or hunger, and can then either decide to help or not.  We see where there is room for improvement in ourselves or situations in which we are involved.  In social groups we either learn that things like gossip can ruin a person’s life and reputation and therefore we should not do that to others, or we continue hurting people in this manner until we call that lesson in to experience for ourselves. 

If we have been caught up in maliciousness, when calling in what we have been giving to others, we experience the damage we may have caused others.  And if we have been giving where there is need – from a place of love, without wanting anything  in return – we will reap the rewards from those actions.  When there is nobody around to show us who we are, our view of ourselves is intrinsically one-sided. 

Realizing (and dealing with) trauma 

Being stuck in a trauma cycle without understanding that trauma breeds trauma, can be very destructive.  Before we start our journey of self-healing, we need to shift our consciousness.  Without this shift in consciousness we cannot get to the point of understanding our trauma or behavior.  For anyone stuck in a trauma cycle, there needs to be an awareness that there is a problem first of all.  Secondly, as we are typically our own worst critic, we must stop punishing the self for being ‘bad’ or ‘different’ – .  After accepting that we are human and will make mistakes – especially when caught in a cycle of trauma, our journey of healing can begin.

Trauma teaches us about love.  Younger souls will often times be born into households where they are raised with love, protection and structure.  They do not yet have need to experience the sometimes incredibly hard lessons some of the ‘older’ souls will choose to master in a lifetime. 

It is difficult for such a person to understand exactly how much (unhealed) childhood trauma can affect others, because to them it makes sense that all children will be raised with the same three basic needs fulfilled:  love, protection and structure.  This almost always adds to the embarrassment or feelings of shame and inferiority of someone who was not raised with love, protection and structure.  In such a case being seen and heard is very difficult for the unhealed person and they might stay in a trauma cycle instead of healing it.

Are souls really different ages?

The short answer is no.  In truth, all souls were created at the same time, and thus one soul is not really younger or older than another.  We group souls in three ages because it is more easy to understand the level of learning of the individual when we do so.  The three soul ages we use are:

  • Young souls;
  • Middle souls; and
  • Old souls.

Each soul age category acts differently, because it is in different stages of experiencing physicality, one might say. 

Young souls

Young souls are souls who are not yet bugged down by responsibility.  It means that they might act in irresponsible ways and not necessarily be weighed down by the consequences of those actions yet.  It is beneficial for a ‘young’ soul to learn without having to think too much about cause and action – to a certain extent.  For instance, one might have a habit of driving recklessly, but without any serious consequences.

Middle souls

A Middle soul has lived and experienced as a young soul, and now wants to build something – perhaps a business or a legacy.  Consequences from other lifetimes might start to drip into the life of such a soul, little by little, and normally in bouts that are manageable.  For instance, such a soul might at one time drive recklessly, and cause an accident, or be in one, where someone else dies.  A higher requirement to think about actions and consequences are prevalent in a middle soul’s life.

Old souls

An old soul has had lifetimes containing recklessness, legacy building and such, and now wants to begin to experience the consequences of actions – in all of its forms.  For instance, they might have cut someone’s hand off for stealing in another incarnation – only to lose a limb themselves in this lifetime.  Perhaps even in the accident that was caused by the irresponsible driving of a young soul.  If an old soul got away with something like murder in another lifetime, in this one they might go to jail for many years, even though they are ‘innocent’.

No action any of us takes in any lifetime will go without consequence, whether it were ‘good’ actions or ‘bad’ actions.  There is no need for revenge and other lower vibration actions against someone who ‘got away’ with bad actions towards us, because at some point that soul will have to experience what it gave to others (in any third dimensional plane). 

Revenge is a very low vibration action brought into our cultures by the dark hand.  They say that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but that’s not all.  An eye for an eye also means that instead of one person  experiencing the consequence of his actions, both are now included in the lesson.  The more people involved in actions of revenge – or an eye for an eye consciousness – the more chaos it causes.

Earth is a learning school

We incarnate on earth in physical form, not because we are perfect, but because this is the ultimate place to experience.  It has drama, suspense, action, comedy, joy, murder, emotions, and innuendos.  It really is the perfect place for each of us to learn the one lesson we come here to learn – and that is the lesson of giving and receiving love. 

The only thing we need to learn when we are on earth is the lesson of love.  Firstly, the lesson of self-love, and then the lesson of unconditional love for others.  This sounds much easier than what it is in reality.  Self love is not equal to masturbation and narcissism.  Self love is respect for the self, having healthy boundaries, and to know when to say yes and what to do and more importantly, when to say no, abstain and what and when not to.

Someone who has respect for the self, knows their personal limits, has cultivated the responsibility of self care, emotional health and has healthy physical routines.  Such a person is well equipped to have a family, and care for others – whether the elderly, less fortunate, sickly, or even animals.

Unconditional love for others starts with the self.  It is impossible to love others when a person does not love and respect the self.  One may think that love is a reflection from others only, but that is conditional (to the self as well as the other person).  How will a person who is waiting for confirmation from others, that they are indeed lovable, take rejection from others?  How will such a person cope when staying single for many years?  Will they think there is something wrong with them and go into a deep depression, or will they understand, from a place of love for the self, that people can be whole without requiring the approval or acceptance of others?

From my personal observation, people who have not yet mastered self love, almost always run from intimacy.  They struggle with commitment and self-worth issues and because of that won’t put themselves in the vulnerable position of deep emotional commitment to another person; instead, keeping relationships superficial and plentiful – chasing ‘followers’, having acquaintances.  At the same time, they need the other person to be there for them, because at some level they do realize that they need others – and not the physicality of others, but emotionally present.

Self love is a journey.  It starts with the ability to give love, but also the ability to receive love.  Are you open to being truly loved?

In my life, I had been surrounded by extraordinary people who truly loved, and it is from them that I learned the most important lessons of love.  I learned from proud people, superficial people, rich people, poor people and ‘beautiful’ people.  Each person who crosses our lives teaches us something.  All we need to do is recognize the lesson, in spite of whatever those around us think. We are each on a different path and therefore experience differing levels of learning.  The most important thing is to be open to learning the lesson of love (in all its forms).

The ability to receive

In spiritual circles, it is common wisdom that when one is able to receive love, one will be able to receive (and recognize) blessings from the universe too.  When one is blocking love, one will also be blocking blessings from the universe. One could say that the well-oiled machine of the universe recognizes in each of us our understanding of the laws of the universe by means of our ‘vibration’.  As such, it offers us consequences (matches our vibration, a type of feedback loop) with how we think, feel and act because of our programming and understanding – however subtle or sub-conscious those may be.

Many books have been written about the Universal laws, and it is a good idea to acquire one or more to read.  A really good beginner book is this one.  This book is written in easy to understand English, and is a powerhouse of information.  It might just change the way you look at the world forever.

Remember to breathe

If one stopped breathing and never took another breath – one would die. One would only be able to hold one’s breath for some minutes before one’s body would take serious strain and begin gasping for air. The air we breathe provides the oxygen our bodies need to survive. Unfortunately, the general quality of air we breathe is not fantastic. It is poisoned with heavy metals from motor vehicle exhaust residue and chem trails. Some people are lucky enough to live in more rural areas outside of large cities, where the quality of air is still relatively good.

Because of the poor air quality our bodies are taking strain. Numerous people engage in shallow breathing, or otherwise do not get sufficient oxygen in their lungs. As a result of this, lethargy can set in, sleepiness, low energy, and other symptoms due to a lack of oxygen intake.

Make a point of mindfully taking occasional deep breathes in through the nose; at least twice a day – once in the morning, and once in the evening – and then breathe out through the mouth. Take a long, slow breath in through the nose, hold for a second or two, and out through the mouth. Be sure to expel all the air from the lungs with the out breath.

Taking care of your energetic body

I have written many articles about the importance of taking care of your energetic body, and therefore, in this one I want to highlight the importance of working with colored shields around the body. In a world that seems to have gone crazy lately, shielding one’s energetic body is critical to one’s spiritual well-being.

Humans have the ability to see in their mind’s eye the etheric, and in doing so can influence that energy in various ways. Visualization is powerful when done correctly. Remember that everything that exists on our earth, was first imagined by someone before it was created. So if you can imagine it, it is there; albeit etherical, but latent energy nonetheless. Working on the metaphysical level is just as real as working in our 3D world. The more you practice, the better you will become at working with shielding.

Every time we visit public places where we are surrounded by people, we will exchange energy with them. Some of those people will have energetic attachments, illnesses, dirty auras and so on. This is especially important for sensitive individuals, for instance empaths and other sensitives, who tend to absorb the energy of those with whom they come into contact.

To shield, simply imagine or see yourself with your inner-eye, completely enveloped in the appropriate color light you choose.  You can also shield those people you love and care for, or objects such as vehicles or homes, with light. Shielding with light usually lasts between four and six hours.

If you are uncertain which color to use in shielding yourself, following is a short description of the colors and what energy each brings to you. Different situations call for different colored shields of light. Knowing which one to use is beneficial. Here are some examples from which you may choose, depending upon your particular situation:

White light:

Pink light:

Green light:

Indigo (blue-purple) Light:

Mirrored shield:


Golden light:
