How childhood trauma shapes us

And why it’s important to heal that

Parents and adults have the power to either add to the trauma of children, or to help heal it.  It is my opinion that every soul on this earth has a story of childhood trauma, but not everyone has healed that trauma.  Trauma in children won’t heal itself. 

Instead, in sensitive children, trauma in very young children is responsible for the creation of one of two very distinct character types.  One is Narcissism and the other is Empathy.  Both originates from trauma, and until the affected individual understands this and begins a journey of healing, the original trauma will continue playing a part in the behavior towards, and interaction with, others.

Two possibilities

If a child who endured trauma is without the necessary support and is unable to cope with a sudden traumatic experience (or multiple traumatic experiences) they usually react in one of two distinctive ways so they can cope. 

One group will experience what we refer to as partial or complete ‘soul loss’ in Shamanic terms.  Every time a traumatic event occurs, and the child has no way of coping with an experience, or when the pain of an event is too much for such a child to handle, they will detach from the event and thus also the pain by filing it away.

This becomes a mechanism of survival and when a child learns to ‘cope’ in this manner they might experience significant soul loss.  The mechanism of survival is only dialed onto survival of the self, and they stop caring about those around them. 

Every action in future is set to minimize chances of experiencing any possible form of pain, as the pain is too overwhelming.  In such a child the preservation of self is most important thus it becomes all about them. Such a child will also learn to read people and situations very well. 

By doing this they can avoid being in situations where more pain and trauma (originating from outside of the self) is imminent.  A tendency for controlling situations and people is generated which gives the perception of safety to this first group.

The second group of children will react in a different way.  When this group experiences continuous trauma they also – like the previous group – become hyper alert to their surroundings. 

They learn to recognize fluctuations in the vibrational frequencies of others so they can predict outbursts of anger, violence or other forms of attack.  As a result of this over developed sensory communication, it becomes difficult for them to distinguish between their energy and the energy of others and thus may cause them to be in a constant state of anxiety or stress.

In an attempt to be a protector of pain in others, they tend to open the heart center to the point where it becomes over active, or over stimulated.  Over a long period of time that leads to more pain for the child, as they learn to take on the stress and pain of those around them in order to carry that. This turns an already empathic child into a highly skilled empath. However, if such a child is left open to receiving impulses of pain in others without learning how to do basic energetic care and protection, they will at some point in their lives add to their already present trauma.

Empaths have highly evolved powers of perception and can feel minute changes of energy in and around them.  The nervous system is also affected in the sense that it is hyper tuned to their environment, people, plants, and animals.  If it is alive and has energy, an empath can attune to that energy – sometimes completely unaware of this ability.  Every action of these empathic children will be to eliminate pain in all of its forms for themselves and those around them – because of personal experience.

When unhealed empaths are unaware that they are empathic, they don’t always know or understand how sensitive they are.  They might experience the fear or depression of the next-door neighbor, or the joy of someone else, and think those are their own feelings; causing them to continually experience fluctuating feelings of highs and lows. 

Children who are clairvoyant or who are empaths often struggle more than other children in the face of unhealed trauma, as they are usually much more sensitive and in tune with those around them.  As mentioned above, they do not always know where they end, and others begin – or where others end and they begin. 

The responsibility of authority Figures

Parents, teachers and other adults have an obligation towards children to not confuse them in their formative years, not punish them excessively and to show them the love and affection so they may  grow into strong, well-adjusted men and women.  So many of us never felt the love of a parent or the worthiness of being loved and respected as humans while children.

The generation that came before us treated their children (us) in the way they in turn were treated by their parents.  And thus causes a vicious cycle of disconnect from each other’s needs and feelings. The repeating of trauma cycles is generational and continues on when we don’t heal them.

Our parents and the ones before them did not have access to what we have today.  We have a changing world with more love and healing entering than what we have seen on earth for many thousands of years.  In a world where people are being granted an opportunity to grow and ascend to the point of gaining a higher consciousness, we are able to break traumatic cycles. 

Those of us with open hearts and forgiveness understand that earth is a learning school.  We understand that those who hurt us the most bring us the lessons we need to grow and become better.  They are the ones with whom we incarnate in our soul groups and when the lessons they bring are learned we can choose not to be pulled in by drama, and break away. 

It is only when we choose to stay in dysfunctional situations that we can know for sure that the lessons around dysfunction have not all been mastered. 

Current energy

Many people ask why there are such hateful things going on currently and why millions are still suffering.  Some blame God.  It is very important to remember that each of us chooses our experiences and lessons before we come here. 

This is a game and we are here to learn about love through duality in a physical body.  We are here to remember that we come from love, and our perceived separation from the Creator is just an illusion.  This duality of what we judge as good and evil has purpose.  How can we learn about love, or the lack thereof, when we are always surrounded by it? 

Those who have open hearts and understand the lesson of love can no longer thrive in a world where division and fear are the norm and vice versa.  By definition the divide between the two groups will cause another fall into karmic cycles – which is what we are trying to come out of. 

  • Where love rules supremely there is no fighting;
  • There is no war or competition for survival;
  • Food gets distributed fairly;
  • Respect for each other results in no mistreatment of certain groups;
  • We don’t murder our unborn babies by the millions each year;
  • There is no judgement;
  • and there is no distinction. 

How would we know what love is when we have nothing to weigh it up against?  What would be the purpose of playing, and mastering this game of life?

How do we stop the drama?

One is only pulled into a situation when there is some sort of lesson or karmic debt that needs to be repaid.  If a soul contract exists that demands one to be involved in a situation, the involvement does not have to last until the end of the situation.  One may continue on in such a situation until all the drama has played out or one can choose to exit once the personal lessons have been learned. 

Allow others to fight their battles and play their parts in the game without getting involved when it is not necessary for you to do so.  Some souls get carried away by the drama and will try to create it for others everywhere they go.  Such souls have not yet graduated the lesson of detachment and are still creating and acting out similar situations to their trauma so they can heal that. 

Once we ‘graduate’ from a life lesson, we no longer feel the need to be pulled into situations we usually got pulled in to before.  We instead give other players in the situation the freedom to play out their individual roles without needing to get involved. 

Adults with unhealed childhood trauma very often continue the cycle and inflict trauma on their loved ones, children or those close to them.  In helping to heal the cycle – compassion is key.  We need to put ourselves in the shoes of the ones who abuse and (try to) have compassion for what they went through and the things that shaped them. 

Sometimes compassion means not to get involved, and other times it means getting involved by reporting someone, or to ask for help.  It is of course up to each individual what they will do, and how unhealed or healed their own trauma is, and the level of personal learning that will affect their decision making.

Food for thought:

  • Have compassion for those who hurt you the most and try to understand that they are part of a trauma cycle themselves;
  • Not every abuser is aware that they are causing trauma to others, so try and keep your vibration high and don’t fall into the cycle of abused/abuser trauma.
  • If the situation calls for the authorities to get involved, understand that the act of reporting a serious abuser is an act of compassion not only towards them, but also towards the recipients of their abusive actions;
  • If there is something that greatly upsets or disturbs you, chances are that there is unhealed trauma around that subject from your childhood;
  • If you keep getting involved in drama when you are not needed there, try to do introspection and find out whether you have unhealed trauma around a related issue;
  • If you are an empath, or have narcissistic tendencies, know that you have unhealed emotions and great sensitivity.  Honor that (in a non-selfish way) by enrolling in therapy;
  • Seek professional help in healing your unhealed childhood trauma so you can have a full and beautiful life without repeating the cycle of generational trauma.

No matter what anyone has done to you or how they hurt you.  Forgive them.  You may always remember what they did to you but decide to leave the pain and judgment behind. By staying bitter and in pain we give away our power and carry their ‘stuff’ for them; we do ourselves harm.   Move forward with absolute forgiveness and compassion for that person in your heart.  I bet if you start looking at where they came from you will find unhealed trauma there.


Earth is a learning school.  We are here to graduate into the higher realms of existence and thinking.  All exams in life are difficult and nobody wants to do the same tests over and over because they didn’t pass.  This is a game we play. All of us originated from love and will in the end return to it.

However difficult this is to understand;  as long as we are still in the duality of ‘good and evil’ each has a purpose.  Light is here to shine on our darkness and the darkness creeps in wherever we are devoid of love.  Every person on earth has had lifetimes where they were either good or they were bad in this duality, because the soul chooses those polar opposite ends of the spectrum to experience and grow. 

It is now once again time for humanity to choose whether we want to continue our lessons in the midst of the drama of ‘good and evil’, or whether we will ascend into an awakened state of consciousness.  Unfortunately, not everyone will make that decision and we need to respect that as we each have free will to choose.  God created us with free will so we may choose our own paths.

Those who refuse to graduate the lessons of love and empathy will follow the path of ease and comfort, and become followers of the new ‘Baal System’ where a merging with AI is inevitable.  That also means a disconnection from the creator, and Hive Mind consciousness.  Those few who understand the lesson of love and healing of the self and its wounds, will be Renewed for the upcoming ‘New Game’, which brings new experiences, new lessons and less darkness, on a new plane of existence.