Healing trauma cycles on our path towards being Renewed

Healing trauma cycles on our path towards renewal

Before we talk about trauma cycles, a few points on the personal journey we each take towards renewal.  In New Age terms, they call it ascension.   

Various groups and organizations teach different aspects of what ascension is, sometimes getting it right and sometimes not so right.  A multitude of books have been written on the subject and still a lot of confusion exists about it.  That is because ascension is mainly a New Age concept, while being renewed is used by those souls who have had a true awakening, and therefore understand that renewal could only be achieved by accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

As our vibration lifts and our collective consciousness expands, our understanding of what it means to renew, also expands.  This means that ideas that we would be unable to fully grasp one or two decades ago, are now much easier to understand.  As a collective we are awakening and our consciousness is growing (towards love consciousness). 

Renewal is an elevation of consciousness, it is the process of consciously awakening, seeing and assimilating, leaving the old behind after healing it, moving forward fearlessly, and having the courage to teach others.  This is achieved by understanding that there are two main forces on this earth – this duality of love and fear, light and dark, love and hatred.  It is only through accepting the ultimate truth that Renewal is accessible, and only through Jesus Christ. 

Jesus said: “Let not your hearts be troubled.  1.Believe in God; believe also in me.  2.In my Father’s house are many rooms.  If it were not so, would I have told you tat I go to prepare a place for you? 3.And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you there myself, that where I am you may be also.  4.And you know the way to where I am going.  5.Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going.  How can we know the way?”   6.Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:1-6

In a few words, we are each standing before the decision of being renewed as a soul, and enter a new game when this one ends, in a higher frequency and consciousness which means new soul experiences, new challenges and a new way of connecting with nature and our Creator; or whether we choose to stay in spiritual slavery and instead of becoming free, to inherit a world of induced hive-mind consciousness, which will be controlled at all times. 

Ascending as a world does not mean that we are going to walk into a fifth dimensional plane of existence overnight.  Some of the New Age teachers have been teaching for many decades that we are moving towards a beautiful and peaceful existence as fifth dimensional beings – an existence without hunger, war and evil.  However, they regretfully don’t always mention the process of getting there, and what that process is.  If we follow the way of the world, the process will be marked with upheavals, strafe, pain and heartache.

We must each do the personal work of healing trauma, overcoming mass programming and choosing wisely, as without going through these steps a better existence will remain unattainable to us.  We are now, more than ever, being called to each work on ourselves and looking in honesty at where we came from, who we are, and how much of our thoughts and ideas are results of mass programming (or how much of who we are was created by a forceful hand in our lives). 

Being conscious of what goes on inside of ourselves, going for therapy, forgiving people in our pasts for perceived wrongs – and then stepping onto a path of self-healing.  We cannot step forward into a new way of existing with old baggage.  It would be pointless, as our heavy and unhealed baggage will keep dragging us back down. 

We need to address those repetitive feelings, thoughts and memories coming up for each of us at this time.  Those feelings and memories are making an appearance because it is asking to be heard/seen, acknowledged, worked through and then, released.  Only when we look at those things we parked in the sub-conscious – sometimes decades ago – and work through those issues, can we release it.

In this time, much is said about trauma.  Some people even advocate that trauma does not exist – only how we react to traumatic events in our lives.  In whichever way the reader wants to see the concept of trauma; we each have experienced some form of trauma which needs to be addressed and released. 

Each family has some form of ancestral trauma which we refer to as ‘trauma-cycles’.   Whether we lived with our biological families as children or not, does not matter. The family we lived with, as well as the family we were born into, however ‘wonderful’, will undoubtedly have at least some cycles of trauma to release. Individual or group trauma can also be brought over from other lifetimes. Because ‘past life’ trauma is only remembered by the soul aspect present in the sub-conscious and not the physical – we need to explore repetitive behavioral issues and/or what others mirror back to us wherever we find ourselves. Sub-conscious issues can manifest in a multitude of ways and therefore it is up to each person to recognize personal patterns and problems so those can be healed.

Note:  Personally, I think the term Re-incarnation should be replaced with another word that better describes the fact that an original soul has multiple aspects which incarnates in multiple timelines, realities and dimensions at the same time.  Those who have a soul, is multi-dimensional, but not necessarily conscious of the fact.  Our Creator gave each of us the ability to experience, grow and to be on that journey of ‘remembering’ who we are in Him.  Therefore calling it re-incarnation is not necessarily a word which reminds us of that – rather it conjures up images of death and birth, and strengthens the idea (wrongly) that the soul can only be incarnated in one aspect at a time, in a linear timeline.

Unhealed trauma stays in the body unless it is released.  It manifests as anger, illness, addiction, or other disfunction in our lives when we don’t consciously heal that original trauma. One cannot release that unless there is a journey of self-healing first. A journey of self-healing starts by understanding that the impact of the trauma was almost always the cause.

What does it mean – trauma causes trauma? For instance, if a child is beaten or abused, or even assaulted – that child will probably continue to re-create those experiences as an adult in order to try and heal the trauma for themselves.  If an unhealthy fear of the subject exists in such a person – which will undoubtedly cause them to have anxiety – they might turn to alcohol, drugs or another form of unhealthy compulsion in order to ease the anxiety.

Very often though, this is subconscious and the person re-creating trauma to heal it may become intertwined in that perpetual cycle of abuser and abused without healing it or get stuck in a vicious cycle of addiction (or compulsion).  We must consciously work towards healing trauma instead of continuing the trauma cycle.

Note: Mentioned case study below was removed for privacy reasons.

In the above (deleted) scenario one can clearly observe a perfect example of how generational trauma keeps repeating until it is healed.  We see in this example the trauma cycle of four generations playing out. She had to recognize first that there was a cycle of trauma in her family. Secondly, she had to understand that unhealed trauma cycles carry over into the next generation. It was important for her to understand the results of unforgiveness, the anger that comes from that unforgiveness and the damage unhealed cycles of trauma can cause to everyone involved. Without understanding that trauma needs to be healed and released, it will be very difficult to even try to forgive those who came before to heal the trauma cycle – and forgiveness is the most important step in healing the cycle.

Humans are fragile, and we are on earth to learn about love.  What better way to learn about love than to learn first what life without love is?  We need to have something to weigh love up against in order to recognize it, a benchmark so to speak, so when we experience trauma, fear, pain and such we can better understand love and practice compassion because of that. 

Although the old way of learning about love is slowly being phased out and re-written as the world raises in consciousness, we are currently still living in a duality.  That means that the collective is still creating wars, hunger, and all manner of low frequency situations.  We do that as a collective, to help wake the sleepyheads up, so they too might choose whether they want to continue their soul journey in an awakened state of empathy and enlightenment or whether they want to continue on in darkness and spiritual slavery with the current ruling dark hand.

Whichever situation each of us is presented with in the time ahead, acknowledge it and begin the journey of healing.  Become aware and conscious of any cycles, trauma or difficulty that remain an issue.  Those are good indications of where we need to begin our journey of healing, forgiving and releasing.  These journeys of healing can take a long time, but the first step will lead to the next, and that one to the next and so on.  Just keep moving forward and don’t stop the journey.

Each person is (and should be) on individual paths of healing their own past, always remember that.  Even when it looks like someone has it all figured out we do not know their internal struggle or issues.  Things we may have already healed within ourselves, may be something they are still struggling with.  Things we might not see as issues may be weighing heavily on someone else.  Never judge people when all the information about their situation is not known, as we simply do not qualify to judge the path someone else chose to be on. We also do not know what experience they called in up to this point – lifetimes on other planes  and timelines included.

If a person chooses to be judgmental or condescending towards others – it speaks loudly about their own journey and level of understanding (or lack of understanding).  Such people are our testers, and until they reach a point of personal awakening, they will continue to be that.  Every person has a purpose and for such people the purpose is to mirror back to others what they can work on within themselves – although the mirroring usually isn’t from a place of love and understanding. 

Points to ponder:

  • Have compassion for those who hurt you the most and try to understand that they are part of a trauma cycle themselves;
  • Not every abuser is aware that they are causing trauma to others, so try and keep your vibration high and don’t fall into a cycle of abused/abuser trauma. Heal issues as they appear;
  • If the situation calls for the authorities to get involved, understand that the act of reporting a serious abuser is an act of compassion not only towards them, but also towards the recipients of their abusive actions;
  • If there is something that greatly upsets or disturbs you, chances are that there is unhealed trauma around the subject from your childhood;
  • If you keep getting involved in drama when you are not needed there, try to do introspection and find out whether you have unhealed trauma around a related issue;
  • Seek professional help in overcoming your unhealed childhood trauma so you can have a life without repeating the cycle of generational trauma (cycles).

No matter what anyone has done to you or how they hurt you.  Forgive them.  You can remember what they did to you, but decide to leave the pain and judgment behind. By staying bitter and in pain we give away our power and carry their ‘stuff’ for them; we do ourselves harm.  I bet if you start looking at where they came from you will find unhealed trauma there, so move forward with absolute forgiveness and compassion for that person in your heart, as your personal growth requires that of yourself.