When souls started coming into hominids to have experiences in physicality, it was always with the knowing that they had free will to make their own decisions – yet with their strong connection to The Creator still intact. This meant that the souls would maintain this spiritual connection, even though they were at that point in physical form. The connection was not broken once they incarnated on earth or other planes. The connection ensured that all souls in a physical body would receive spiritual sustenance from The Creator, and thus only needed to eat very little and only intermittently. The Connection to The Creator also meant that the physical body did not deteriorate as fast and extensively as we do today.
After a third of the heavenly angels and Archangels fell, and were banished, they too took physical form. There was one difference though, their connection to God was severed. They were meant to be the ‘balance’ to the physical experience – no matter on which plane they were present.
A physical body with a soul that is connected to God draws spiritual energy from God, and therefore is rejuvenated until the soul leaves such a body. Those with a severed connection no longer have access to such spiritual energy, and thus need to ‘harvest’ it from others who do have that connection still intact. Even the avatar bodies, or clones they prepared for themselves degrade quickly, as there is no spiritual energy flowing from the Creator at all.

The Elohim are the creator angels, who were given authority by The Creator to journey the universe and make ‘copies’ of themselves, through sharing their DNA. They each took physical form in differing shapes, and went to different planets/solar systems to create all kinds of beings; plants, animals, hominids and other kinds of bipeds.
So after millennia venturing other planes and systems, the ‘fallen ones’ were degrading, and their ability to pro-create was severely diminished. Through conquering the creations within other systems, for instance Orion, and meddling with their DNA – severing their connection to the Source/Creator through technology and merging with AI – even those races degraded. Thus a group of the fallen ones we know simply as the Anunnaki, came to earth.
The souls on earth still had their connection to God intact, could regenerate, and were able to naturally procreate. When the Anunnaki set up a station/base (first in Atla / Atlantis, and then other areas on earth), they began experimentation to create biped/animal hybrids, and also experiments to create a diminished adaptation of the main hominid species on earth by merging it with their own DNA.
When they created that hybrid, by adding of their own deteriorating DNA (devoid of Source energy), it meant that the hominids on earth had their connection to The Source reduced, but not completely severed. All further experimentation done by the Anunnaki, to permanently sever that connection to The Creator, failed. However, something else happened; something they do not fully explain in the history books, or the Christian Bible.
By studying and reading the translations of the Sumerian clay tablets and other ancient sources of information from across the globe about the creation and history of man, it is evident that an external hand was responsible for diminishing the hominid species and creating Homo Sapiens. For thousands of years the Elohim species were allowed to give of their own DNA to create and experiment on creating the best version of hominid on earth – one with the soul connection to The Source intact. When the Anunnaki arrived on earth, they came from a place of ego and a withered and ailing physical form. When they experimented on the existing hominids, it was for their own divergent purposes, and not to honor The Creator.
Their DNA was diminished because their connection to Source energy was severed. The moment they created Homo Sapiens in ‘their own image’ and by using their own diminished DNA, one could say, the fall of man arrived.

In Genesis 3:15 God told Adam this (because he listened to the reptile):
“In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,
till thou shalt return to the ground;
for out of it wast thou taken:
for dust thou art, and to dust shalt thou return.”
Previously, on earth, the hominids had a pure and strong connection to The Source. Few ever stop to think, why is it that the Anunnaki had to teach us how to farm? Did nobody ever eat? Did we just kill animals and ate it raw? Why did we not know about medicine, when the earth was filled with all manner of natural medicines in the form of plants, minerals and tree barks? Before the Anunnaki came, we did not need to kill animals, we did not get sick, and our bodies regenerated until we wanted to experience through another vessel, and we made a conscious decision to do so.
Back to Earth and free will
In this linked article ‘The Split of timelines‘, I describe the process of the creation of the souls, why humans (souls) are once removed from ‘The Mind of God’, and how that means we have free will. If one understands that – fully understands that – one also understands that each of us has been granted by the Creator Himself, the gift to choose for oneself. For example, we could choose to be the worst kind of person, or we could choose to live a life of seclusion and purity; neither matters while we are in the duality of 3D.
Many struggle to understand this concept. How could a life of evil, murder, rape, theft and so on be tolerated by a loving and all seeing God? Why does God allow people to choose not to know Him – or even to denounce Him? Does God not see all the pain and suffering caused by darkness and evil?

Yes, God sees all. God is love.
When a soul chooses, with its own free will to have an experience of physicality in 3D, God allows it because we are created with the freedom to choose our experiences as a soul. We grow through each experience we choose, and some of those experiences will be in 3D. At its core, 3D is a construct of duality. That means we can have just about any kind of experience we could conceive, on this planet and this plane, in a physical body, while still having a connection to The Creator.
Our Creator (The Source of everything) allows each of us to have experiences in which we choose to believe in Him, or don’t believe in Him, He allows the experience of pain and suffering – but also of love, happiness and all things good. How absolutely boring would a life be when we only pillage and rape, or when we only have perfect relationships and everyone loves us? There is much to consider.
When a soul is in-between lives, we are surrounded by the love of The Creator. We have everything we need and we do not experience hardships, lack and darkness. Does everyone want that for eternity? Perhaps not, we might think that we would, but I imagine it may get dull after a few millennia or so.

Let us be reminded, that the souls began going into the void
(the one place The Creator forbade them to go)
because they wanted new experiences, so He created earth.
The Creator created, in order to have experiences.
We incarnate in physicality because this entire system is about having experiences.
When the fallen ones began meddling with our DNA, it was at first to create the perfect slave-species for their own purposes. They needed a means of pro-creation via the female earth hominid, and they needed workers for mining the gold they consumed and also used for their atmosphere via the males on earth. Their ultimate goal is to sever the connection we have to The Creator, and merge humanity with AI. Many other species have gone through this process: for instance, the Mantis people, the Greys, and some of the Reptilian races. Wherever the fallen ones made their mark, darkness and degradation set in soon after.
‘Free will’ means each soul currently incarnating a human vessel, is allowed to choose whether they want to merge with technology and AI, and thus ascend into a technological future timeline, or whether they choose to ascend naturally, through spiritual advancement.
People ask why all the trouble on earth is lingering on for so long, and why it is not reaching a conclusion. The universe is supporting each of us in the decisions we make, and because of that it is showing us what was once hidden; shining light on hidden aspects of the secret societies, the New Age cult and most of the religious institutions on earth today.
Nobody is able to make an informed decision without sufficient facts. The universe is showing us, revealing the truth, but we must be willing to see it. We must look, and then be brave enough to outgrow and move aside pre-conceived perceptions of how the world works, because so much of it has been veiled and obscured from view.
This world is filled with people suffering from ‘cognitive dissonance’. It means that mental discomfort sets in, and a desire to remedy the discomfort, when one is confronted with a fact that differs from a ‘truth’ one told the self in order to have peace within, or a ‘truth’ that differs from what one is able to accept. In such a case, where one comes upon an unveiled truth that does not align with one’s personal belief system, one might feel threatened, and one may even react by lashing out at others for causing a shattering of beliefs/peace/ideas; however false such a self-ordained ‘truth’ might be. When one is first confronted with ‘dangerous’ or ‘threatening’ new facts, one might utter such defending statements as: “That is your belief”, “I don’t want to know”, “Let’s agree to disagree”, “Please shut up”. However painful the shattering of dissonance might be, it is the first sign of break-through.
Souls in experience; inside a human vessel, with a lesser connection to our Creator, can be influenced more easily through external input/influence. For this reason it is quite easy to program the masses. Whatever consciousness a soul with free will chooses to uphold, does not matter. There is no ‘right way’, ‘only way’, or ‘wrong way’ to do things here.
The soul wants to experience opposites and it wants to experience different points of view to the same situation. Yet, our universe has laws, so if a soul with free will, and having a physical experience in a physical vessel, decides to have the experience to murder another person who is also having a physical experience, the universal laws dictate that we will have to experience being killed in another incarnation. In other words free will, and the decisions we make, have consequences.
So if we, for instance, choose to live a non-religious atheistic existence, we will – in another existence/plane/aspect – choose to have an existence of being devoutly religious. The soul chooses to experience both sides of the same situation so it may better understand, become enlightened so to speak.
Whichever side of the coin we choose to experience, the universe will bring us the experience we need (the one we chose). So with regards to that, it becomes more easy to see why here, on this plane, in this duality in 3D, some people bring us difficult lessons, and others bring us love. Both are part of the divine plan, no matter how we choose to perceive it. The universe is a well-oiled machine and all parts fit in a cohesive whole.
The Archangel Ba-el (later Baal), was created with a lust for power. The Creator Created him perfectly, as each of us were created perfectly. He has a purpose, and that purpose is to bring an experience of duality to those souls who require to learn about love at the lower planes of existence.

As we continue to learn about love – in an environment
where at times it might feel that there is none – our souls remember that we originated from love,
and to it we shall return. Our aim then, is to raise our consciousness,
through the experiences we draw into our lives, by working on ourselves.
Ultimately, nobody wants to stagnate at the same level of consciousness, in a world where darkness veils truth, and where pain and hardship is part of life, seemingly for ever more. We aspire to climb the steps to a place of love, and become teachers to others once we understand the lesson of love – unconditionally. Once we graduate, our souls can begin new lessons on a higher plane of being.
This way of continual evolution and experimentation through new incarnations and experiences ensures ‘the game’ – the grand journey of existence – of experiencing many lives in a physical vessel, stays exciting while growing wisdom and insight; an ever-evolving playground of possibilities.