We keep hearing about all the drugs going into America through the borders, and nobody is doing anything to stop that. This, I assure you, is by design too. Please allow me to explain. We know that alcohol (or spirits), lowers the vibration and if enough is consumed, sometimes even just a little, it literally pushes the consciousness out of the physical body and an entity can then hook into such a person’s physical body and be the driver of such a body. In the same way, we know that drugs do the same.
The main reason why people consume drugs and alcohol is so they can escape trauma, pain, fear, stress or some other distressful situation or condition. Entities who connect to a person’s physical body do so in order to drive that body, to have experiences through it, and to feed off its energy. Because entities (fallen ones) do not operate from a place of love and empathy, such a person will probably always be involved in things that they would not do, or participate in, under normal circumstances.

A person who is not driving their own vessel, one who is pushed into a situation where they are ”beside themselves”, has given away their power to the dark and whether this was conscious or not – such a person’s consciousness can be captured at the moment of death (for energy for disembodied entities) and be placed back into another karmic cycle, as they are fractured. We can only ascend (renew) and move up in dimension and consciousness when we are whole.
Let us accompany each other on this journey of renewal, in search of enlightenment and making ourselves whole again. We need to keep each other strong with encouragement and truth, and give others the freedom to decide whether they want to be part of this or not. The two worlds can no longer exist side-by-side, and we each need to decide which path we are going to follow forward. This means that at some point we are going to have to leave loved ones behind. Remember that each soul choose their individual path and we cannot choose for them, or force them to choose how we choose for ourselves.

Drunvalo Melchizedek teaches how to work and connect with the vehicle of the soul – the Merkabah – for ascension. I’ve seen in extreme cases how the dark hand can energetically manipulate and deactivate in some cases the soul vehicles of people who threaten their cause. When I was in my thirties, and after coming onto my path of renewal and truth, I was bombarded with energetic attack from the dark in which they had my Merkabah rotate the wrong way and that caused all kinds of havoc in my life – spiritual and physical. The dark have spiritual technology to inflict damage to us in ways we cannot even fathom. When we understand how to work with our soul vehicles, we reclaim our power.