Continued from: THE DARK PRESENCE
I can see how someone reading about these concepts for the first time might think it to be science-fictiony, but I assure the reader that our world has many secrets; most hidden in plain sight, mostly obscured trough complexity.
It is said that anything we humans can conjure up in either our imagination or physically through art or design, has its origins in something already existing somewhere in the universe. This means that humans can create something from something else, or out of something else. We as created beings ourselves cannot truly create or conjure something up from nothing, something which never existed before.
Look at movies, books and other media. Some aspect of what we see MUST then have existed before we came up with those ideas. We cannot create something out of thin air, because we are creations ourselves; our creative spark comes from a source.
In this light, we can begin looking differently at every aspect of our lives because we know, it has had its origins somewhere else – however veiled it might be, it existed before we (or they) came up with it.
A perfect example of this type of programming would be one from the turn of the century. Merely months before 9/11 happened, a three letter agency contacted a well known script writer about an idea for an episode on their very popular series. The episode is about terrorists who want to fly an airplane into – you guessed it – the twin towers. In the episode various scenarios are playing out about why, how and the politics behind it all. Was this all pure co-incidence?
According to the laws of our universe, and the laws of karma, the dark hand must in essence tell us about their plans before they implement it. We were created with free will, and our Source connection is intact. Thus means that anything they ‘tell’ us via news, media, movies and so on – however hidden the message might be to the slumbering masses – they do in actual fact disclose. Our silence is seen as acceptance and permission. The ‘enemy’ has had many thousands of years in which they got to study human behavior, so they understand perfectly how to shape and manipulate us.
As far as we know (speculation in the psychic and remote viewing communities), and I have also seen this during psychic sessions – this is the seventh time civilization is going through upheaval and perhaps an imminent fall. The cause seems to be, every time they try to merge us with AI it fails miserably. There is but one thing that keeps the merging of AI from working, and that is our connection to The Source (The Creator of all).
This time around however, we are allowed to choose whether we want to partake in the Homo Borg Genesis experiment (merging with technology), or whether we want to ascend out of this duality into a more peaceful existence. Please remember that our Source/Creator has absolutely NOTHING to do with religion. Our Source/Creator is in experience, throughout the multiverse, in many shapes and forms. There is technically speaking no right or wrong way to choose, because all decisions are in honor of Him being in experience. There is however an end to tears, or a lifetime of hardship, so we each need to think what we desire when moving forward.