Many people are wondering about what exactly happens when people die, and where they go after. In this article, I share what I learned from helping people cross to the other side. Death is a soul choice, meaning, even when it seems that someone died suddenly, each soul chooses when to exit (except in rare circumstances), and how to exit.
Chem Trails vs Con Trails
What are chem trails, and what is the difference between chem trails and con trails?
Three levels of healing the self
… Someone with cancer will have to then take care of the three levels of being if they want to completely eradicate cancer, or it will return…
Free Will – what does it mean?
Many questions answered about the duality in 3D, and the ability to choose (in all areas).
The split of timelines is ahead
…In other words, the dark ones took the perfect creation of God and infused us with their DNA to create a slave-species, with a limited, or strained connection to Source/Creator. So no; they did not create us, they downgraded us….
The peculiar world of time
In today’s article I share an experience that opened me up to another way of looking at time, and the construct.
10. Religion and belief systems
Part 10 of 10 concludes the short series of introductory thoughts and facts about our world; yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
9. Why the dark ones need us
In Part 9 of 10 we look at the dark legacy and how it is still present on earth today. There is a very well established presence and system of oppression to control and fracture humanity, and keep us in a perpetual cycle of karma and (re-)incarnation.
8. The King’s list and fake gods
In Part 8 of 10 we delve a little deeper into creation mythology, who the fallen angels are, and what influence they have on the world.
7. Drugs and alcohol
In Part 7 of 10 we look at how drugs and alcohol is used to disempower humans, and what happens when we develop dependencies on those.
6. The attempt to collapse America, and then the world
In Part 6 of 10 we look at how the dark hand is influencing people with emotional scarring into degrading themselves, the inversion of societal norms and general collapse of structure.
5. Blood sacrifice – then and now
In Part 5 of 10 we look at blood sacrifice, veiled in today’s society. Have we lost our connection to the Divine?
4. The collapsing of societies by the dark ones
In Part 4 of 10 we look at how the Maya culture changed from peaceful to bloody, and the dark hand responsible for the fall of Maya and Aztec cultures.
3. Consciousness programming
In Part 3 of 10 we learn how we (the souls) are allowed to choose whether we want to partake in the Homo Borg Genesis experiment (merging with technology), or whether we want to ascend spiritually, towards a more natural and peaceful existence.
2. The dark presence
In this segment – Part 2 of 10 – we learn about the driving force behind our world and what it is up to.
1. Overpopulation, scarcity and purposeful lies – Introduction
The next 10 articles are about the journey of Homo Sapiens Sapiens; from then until now. This is part 1, an Introduction.
An exercise to clear your aura
Everywhere we go, we pick up energy from the environment. Every person we meet with, have a telephone conversation with, think about and have interaction with exchanges energy with us. Energy coming from other people and things are unavoidable in day-to-day existence. This exercise helps with clearing such energy.
Connecting to the vibration of love and healing
A different way of connecting to the vibration of love, using words instead of visualization.
Some thoughts on surviving Earth School
… Self love is a journey. It starts with the ability to give love, but also the ability to receive love. …
Spiritual routine in preparation for meditation (and other spiritual work)
Four ways to protect your being while you practice spirituality, and other situations where your vibration is raised.
Empath take back your power!
… Empaths are born, but trauma can create even stronger empathic abilities in children …
Forming a protective cocoon of light around the body
A quick shielding exercise to do when you feel anxiety or under attack.
How childhood trauma shapes us
… Earth is a learning school. We are here to graduate into the higher realms of existence and thinking. All exams are difficult but nobody wants to do the same school year over and over because they don’t pass the exams. This is a game we play. All of us originated from love and will in the end return to it – no matter whether we perceive some people as darkness incarnate because of all the perceived bad things they do. …
Learning about love and compassion
… Empathy is something anyone can cultivate, after healing the self, living a heart-based existence. The barriers we build around us so we won’t experience pain, are the barrier keeping us head-centered and not heart-centered. …
A concise history of how humans came to be on earth (and the fall of man)
… One would be wrong to assume that the interference in our DNA stopped. Some (most) of the UFO sightings are the fallen ones, or those who sided with them. There is an ongoing plan to herd humanity towards the next step in our evolution, the system they created to ultimately remove our connection to our Source and Creator so they can claim dominion over humanity – as a slave-species. …
In case you missed the ‘Claires’ article
A concise guide to the four main ‘Claires’: Clairvoyance; Clairaudience; Clairsentience; Claircognizance. Feel free to download and share.
The energy in names
The science behind the value of letters (or sounds) is called Numerology. One can learn an immense amount about the self by studying the value of a name. For this one would need the full names at birth and the family name as well), as well as the day and year of birth. If a child is not called by the given name at birth, it means that someone – either the parents or the child, is not ready for all of the lessons it would be calling in by use of the full birth name.
What are the Claires?
The Claires are different ways in which each of us can receive intuitive messages from our energetic system. To differing extent, each of us has what we could call a sense of intuition, which we receive mainly in one of four forms.
A quick Grounding exercise
Taking off your shoes every now and then, and walking barefoot on sand, grass or ground aids in grounding
Healing trauma cycles on our path towards being Renewed
…As our vibration lifts and our collective consciousness expands, our understanding of what it means to ascend also expands. This means that ideas that we would be unable to fully grasp one or two decades ago, are now much easier to understand. As a collective we are awakening and our consciousness is growing (towards love consciousness). ..