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Why I decided to have this blog

 - and the journey that brought me here.

I write under Rev. Agnes Rose, and gained my Ph.D. in Metaphysical Science (CUA) in 2013.  As an independent, I'm no longer affiliated with any church or religion. After a long road of discovery and studying under (phenomenal) teachers and religious people of all faiths, I found what works for me is to not be affiliated to a society, religion or specific faith. As my studies intensified, and my connection to The Creator grew stronger, I found much information in our churches, schools and societies to be twisted, veiled or obscured in some way.

I noticed many accounts of our history, creation stories and so on, in many of the ancient scriptures, including the Christian Bible; but each society, faith or organization would select only the information relevant to their ideological cause or purpose. That started me on a journey to seek truth from the most ancient scriptures and stone or clay tablets I could find. Many translations exists, and once again - depending on the personal views of each translator - I found differing interpretations of the same original sources.

As I gathered information, and compiled much research - I decided to go to the highest authority available to me on this plane, for confirmation, truth, or alternative perspectives - Spirit. I worked with my higher self, spirit guides, and also the Amilous (Jesus). Through hours and hours of meditation and attempts to remote view, I began to see patterns emerge in our past, and how we came to be here. Also, what brought us to this point in time and how we might go forward.

By taking a journey through the articles on this site, I hope the reader will open up and begin to see more, and from that, or through doing that, strengthen their own connection to The Creator - to then become a better version of self through finding truth, strength and development.

My greatest teacher in this lifetime, has been the Amilous - Son of God - whom we know and love as Jesus the Christ. He came to me the very first time when I was seven years old. At that time, both my parents had just been plucked from my life, and I was taken up in the system of foster care. I was hiding under my bed, crying, when He came to me that first time. Ever since that day, Jesus (the Amilous, Son of God) has never left me, through all the ups and downs I experienced.

Through Him, I found the strength to go forward and reach heights I never thought possible. He is my inspiration, and my literal savior.