One of the best ways to develop and strengthen the energy field is to be grounded. This exercise should be done in the morning, whenever one feels under spiritual attack or out-of-sorts:
- Stand barefoot on the grass, sand, or as close as possible to a garden area. Imagine Roots growing out from the soles of your feet. These roots grow ever deeper into the earth, gently, gently, until it reaches deep with-in the earth.
- As you do this, you feel a surge of energy shooting up into your roots, coming from inside of earth;
- Follow the energy in your mind’s eye as it moves up into your feet;
- From there the energy fills up your legs and then the rest of your body, following the spine and in the process of moving upwards, fills all the organs of your body and each cell;
- When entire body is filled with this energy, it shoots out in a big column of light, ever upward towards the heavens;
- See in your mind’s eye how your energy connects to the Source of all. You feel a gulf of love flowing into you from the top of your head. You feel your entire head fill up with love in the form of white light;
- Draw this beautiful energy into your heart;
- As the stream of energy from the bottom of your feet mixes with the stream of love from the the Creator, you are grounded and connected, and ready for your day.
Taking off your shoes every now and then, and walking barefoot on sand, grass or ground aids in grounding