Why should we know where we come from?
Knowing where we come from and how darkness came to be on earth (and the role it plays), can help us in many ways. The most important, being that we can understand – even when not religious in any form, who the Source is, who the Creator is, who the D-Evil is and how we all came to be here in this little corner of the universe.
When we blindly follow religion and talking points or propaganda fed to us by institutions, we are not following our hearts. Being heart centered is the only way to find our way out of this matrix, as it will guide us back to a higher, more pure way of being. We were originally created to be free and safe, but because of interference, things did not work out that way, and the human race has been in bondage since the arrival of the fallen ones.
The new human
Understanding the ‘enemy’ or the ‘oppressor’, will empower each of us to go forward fearlessly in a world that seems as if it’s gone crazy over-night, if we choose to do so. Having free will means having the ability to think and do separate from the will of God, our Creator. In other words, we may choose our experiences and how we want to live and grow as humans in physicality.
With our free will we can choose to either return to a more natural way of living and connecting to our Creator, by ascending into a higher state of consciousness into Homo Luminous, or we can choose to go with the flow and evolve from Homo Sapiens Sapiens into the next level of being which is Homo Borg Genesis.
For those who do not yet understand, Homo Borg Genesis will be hive mind or group consciousness, and we have been herded towards that for many decades now. I believe the ‘Plandemic’ and accompanying shots that came with it, shocked many people into an awakening of sorts. We are in the final stages, as a whole of being manipulated and shaped into a new species. A species augmented with technology, like so many of the fallen alien species in the universe.
Earth can be seen as a sort of ‘isolation or confinement’ area for souls and other entities. As a scholar of all things occult and religious/spiritual for over thirty years now, I can confidently say that most of the age-old scriptures, the Christian Bible, clay tablets, and so on – and books about the recorded history of humanity, tells the same story in varying details – the story of manipulation of the DNA of our species, and what we are becoming.
Before the beginning
Following is a description about what I’ve learned about our origins and change into Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Some of the information that follows come from my interpretation of various texts and other sources of information, although a great percentage of this was obtained through meditation and inner-knowing.
Our Source and Creator of the Multiverse created Another, as an aspect of Himself. We call that entity our God. God created a Second – The Holy One, and the two created together The Son (or the Amilous).
Note: In original ancient literature, the Amilous is the name given to the Son of God as a holy and perfect being and one of the original Trinity. Later, this name was defiled to mean an incarnation of one of the Antichrist figures, or a deceiver. Be mindful that many of the original words, phrases and names are being changed and given new meaning, and some of our history is being changed or deleted, so as to bring confusion to our changing consciousness in this time towards renewal.
Then God the Father, together with the Holy one and the Son created our Universe and everything in it. Some of the very first created were the Metatron and Sandalphon, the Angelic choirs, the Archangels and the souls – not necessarily in that order.
Each angel gave of themselves, together with God in the form of the Son, and so each soul was created out of God and an angel. That means each soul has a guardian angel. The angel who gave of itself is the guardian of the soul that was created. God the Father also gave each angel and Archangel individual personalities. God allowed the very last Archangel whom He created, the Archangel Ba-el, to have a desire for power.
The Archangel Ba-el was created to stand at the throne of God and reflect the Glory of God back at Him. Because of his position Ba-el noticed everything that went on in the heavens, each decree God made, every creation – he saw all the workings of the heavens, and because he had a desire for power, he made mental notes.
The Void and black goo
God the Father also created what He called ‘The Void’. In ‘The Void’ He placed all the things we would see as negative, for instance evil, depression, hatred, disease, darkness, oppression, and so on. Everything is always created with balance, but in the creation of God, He willed it that everything would be good and that there would be no pain or suffering. For that reason, all negativity was placed inside of ‘The Void’.
When the souls were created, God decreed that they could explore anywhere in the Universe but were not allowed to go inside the void. The void could be seen as a place of darkness where there is a complete absence of light, and black goo which contains all the evil and darkness as counter to the light.
The souls were inquisitive, and they wanted to explore in the void, but would get lost inside, as the energy there affected them badly and thus became disoriented, and then needed to be saved. They absorbed the evil and lower vibrations within the void, and over time became satiated with all manner of darkness. The Archangels Ba-el (Baal / Zeus), Belzebel (Beelzebub / Poseidon), and Michael were the ones who went into the void after the souls to rescue them.
After going into the void, the souls needed to be healed. The three Archangels who went into the void after the souls to save them, also at some point needed healing, because they also absorbed negativity from the void. All the parties involved were given opportunity and space to be healed, but only some accepted the opportunity. In meanwhile, God created the earth, to keep the souls occupied and away from the void, where they began going into – at first, single cell organisms and later – animals and hominids to have experiences as different forms of life.
Much time passed and the Archangel Ba-el (Ba-al or Baal / Zeus after the fall), led the heavens into a rebellion by fooling a third of the angels and most of the souls. He declared that he would be the new god and not the Son of God, as was previously decided by God the Father, when the time comes. He brought everyone involved in the rebellion into the void.
The plan was to have each of them absorb magnitudes of negativity and in doing so live outside of the perfect love of God, with free will and all manner of negativity. Archangel Michael, The Metatron and the Son of God went into the void with the love and protection of God, to save as many of the souls and angels as they could. Even though a large amount of souls and angels were saved and healed, there were some who already absorbed so much of the darkness and negativity from the void that they could not be allowed to stay in the heavens with God; because the negativity and darkness would spread through-out heaven.
The fall
And so it was that God brought the souls to earth and isolated them from the souls already in incarnation here and He banished the rebellious angels from heaven.
As I understand it, the rebellious angels conquered many species of beings through-out the universe. When they arrived on earth, it was first on the place called ‘Atla’, where they proclaimed themselves gods, blew up the continent and then fled to other areas on Earth. There seem to be nine different groups who fled Atla and became the ‘gods’ in various civilizations where they taught the tribes to be ‘civilized’. One of these areas was the original Eden, where genetic experimentation on the ape-like hominids of Earth took place in order to create a new (slave) species.
God extracted the negativity from the souls who followed the rebellion, and placed that into the tree He called ‘The tree of knowledge of good and evil‘. Baal, still jealous and mad at God, went to Adam and Eve and misled them to eat of the tree, thus re-introducing evil into the humans and their descendants on earth, who were inhabited by the souls.
Whether the ‘eating of the tree or fruit’ is literal or not, does not matter. Something happened that re-introduced darkness to the souls. And it was caused by the D-Evil (the Dispenser of Evil), the fallen Archangel (now called) Baal.
Legacy of the fallen
Note: Baal does not have qualities like love and compassion. Over millennia of going into the void and absorbing what is in there, he became satiated with darkness. His feelings of jealousy and hatred towards God and the souls (us), caused him to genetically interfere with our DNA to create a slave species. Because the fallen ones have a severed connection from the Creator (God the Father), they lost their ability to sustain their life force – without which their avatar bodies degrade significantly. When they gave of their own DNA to alter our species into Homo Sapiens Sapiens, our DNA was also degraded to a certain extent and that is why we only live short lifetimes of about 70 to 100 years.
One would be wrong to assume that the interference in our DNA stopped. Since the very beginning of the birth of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, we have been in a constant state of change towards that final ‘upgrade’ towards the new Species: Homo Borg Geneses / Homo Deus. Over the centuries people have been taken upon crafts and into secret facilities for this purpose, and some have been taking part in the breeding programs without even being conscious about it. Each new vaccination that comes out has some new component in which adds or deletes something in our DNA, and we are currently entering one of the last stages towards merging with AI and entering group consciousness.
Some (most) of the UFO sightings are the fallen ones, or those who sided with them. There is an ongoing plan to herd humanity towards the next step in our evolution, the system they created to ultimately remove our connection to our Source and Creator so they can claim complete dominion over humanity – as a slave-species.
They (the WEF and people like Bill Gates) tell us that these implants and merging with AI, will be good for us. It will apparently lead to having a peaceful society, no emotions – which means no depression or other personality ‘disorders’ – and even distribution of food and resources. Nobody would ever leave the zone they live in, except for exceptional situations, and the new fifteen-minute cities would provide everything we need so we don’t HAVE to travel. Medical care will be monitored via tech implants in the hand or head, and medicines could be administered before we even know we are sick. The WEF spokespeople also suggested that those who do not comply (in this future awaiting all those who follow that timeline), or are troublemakers, could be controlled via the very same implants – even given a heart attack or aneurism in extreme cases to uphold peace and control. They openly state that we have arrived at the end of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens experiment, and that the time for Homo Deus / Homo Borg Genesis has arrived.
‘Downgrade’ from Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis (and other) to Homo Sapiens Sapiens
At one point, we believe, the half reptilian half Archangel Baal assumed the role of Enki in one of his Avatars. (In the Earth Chronicle books by Zecharia Sitchin) we learn about him being ‘The Administrator’ when he, in his capacity as geneticist, experimented on creating a new species of hominid from the existing breeds already present on earth – those created by God. We imagine that one of those species had to be the Neanderthals, as they systematically disappeared from Earth after Homo Sapiens (in the most primitive and early stages) appeared here.
The administrator modified the genetics of various species of homanid/apelike species and mixed it with the DNA of the Anachi (or Anunnaki). Those experiments resulted in the creation and perfection of humans in our current form of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Keep in mind that the fallen ones have an ingrained urge to invert what God the Creator of all created. Anything good and pure will at some point be in their sights to become inverted or spoilt in some way. For that reason, they are still interfering in our genetics to create a new type of being – one no longer connected to the Source of all, but with a connection to technology instead – like all the dark species who chose that type of ascension before us.
For those who are wondering, the entity called Lucifer by the mainstream, has different names in different parts of the world. So if you hear them talk about Samael, some refer to him. It is however necessary to understand that in an obscure Grimoire, reference is being made to Lucifer by name, and as a separate entity is mentioned two other: Samael, and Camael. Both were Archangels before ‘the fall’, as we can clearly observe through the names ending in ‘el’.
Other names by which he is called are: Samyaza, Jahbulon, Azazel, Zeus , ‘The Administrator, ‘The Dispenser of Evil’, ‘The D-Evil’, and sometimes just ‘The Devil’. Technically speaking, only some of these are correct. There are many devils – as religion refers to them, and they have a hierarchy, just like God and His angels have a hierarchy. We should however, not delve into such matters pertaining to darkness, as doing so will open dangerous doors.
Like so much other information, the names and roles of those present in the beginning of our journey into Homo Sapiens Sapiens were inverted – leaving us guessing and wondering about our origins and what came before. At times, according to research, it also looks as if the three main entities switched roles at various points of history, adding to the confusion. It is best to not blindly believe everything we hear, as very few of our sources of information are pure, and many schools of occult teaching exist today.
Each student of matters pertaining to our origins, the dark influence on Earth, and other subject matter in this category, has a different opinion. Like many other scholars, I spent half my life deciphering the information available to us today and concluded that a very dark hand is obscuring true information, names and occurrences from being known, and most information out there has in some way been inverted or changed. You will find tons of dis-information on YouTube and other mainstream platforms, so please do your own research. As if over-night, a ton of information on the Anunnaki appeared online, and it might be for the purpose of further confusing us so we stray further away from our origins and the connection with our original Creator of everything.
The only important thing to know, is that we were meant to have pure experiences in physicality, but along the line we experienced interference and some of us are now on a journey of returning to purity by being renewed for the next ‘game’ after a reset – and some not so much. Hence the duality of our situation. Whichever path the soul chooses is right. Every action has a consequence, and as we continue our journey in physicality, we continue to experience both action and consequence.
Homo Borg Genesis
Becoming Homo Borg Genesis and being part of a hive-mind means that free will would no longer exist. Also, the concept of Borg already gives away that there will be immense modification to the physical bodies of humans and that spirituality will be blocked. Borg is usually only half biological. The other part is heavily dependent on technology.
For that to work smoothly and without interference, the human body would need to be prepared to become half machine and half organic/biological – and that is implemented in stages.
The Homo Borg Genesis System would in essence be a ‘Satanic’ system, as the connection to the higher self/God/spirituality will be blocked. I do not believe that the Baal System, will have anyone practice spirituality and connected to the Source, when that is the one thing which can set us free!
The Borg system is a system of enslavement, so the current awakening taking place all across the globe (however turbulent it seems) is a wonderful thing for which we should be very grateful.
It might be, but I would have to guess, that those who choose such a future timeline, in which a severed connection to the Source is implemented, are standing in line for the lessons that come with that. When our consciousness doesn’t shift to a vibration and way of being that is more in tune with nature, and with love, our experiences will be the same as before. We cannot draw into our life experiences of a higher level of existence (in accordance with love and unity consciousness) if we do not encompass those vibrations ourselves.
It might also be that the souls that are not choosing to be renewed for the new game will spent much time being re-oriented and purified – in whichever capacity that might be – before being allowed to incarnate again in physicality, in another third dimensional reality. None of us knows for sure what is going to happen, but what we do know is that we are preparing for the split of realities. Duality means we can choose between the opposite sides of love and fear consciousness. In the famous words of Led Zeppelin: “There’s still time to change the road you’re on”.
A choice
Our purpose of being here on earth is to remember that we, in our most pure form, are love, and that darkness is not part of that. We are here to learn about love and forgiveness, to live with empathy in our hearts and to overcome all the dark and adversities the evil ones bring into our lives.
They (the fallen ones) do not want us to ascend and return to God, as they need humanity so they can survive. The dark ones hate the Son of God, because He overcame death, and is our salvation. The dark ones are aware that it is through Him that souls can return to our original, sovereign state of being – all those who are ready, who did the work, and had the necessary experiences. The dark ones are doing everything in their might to keep us from Him and sever the connection we have to the Divine.
One can see this hatred on television shows, movies, through comedians, musicians and other mainstream media or personalities – to see how deep the hatred towards the Son of God, Jesus goes. The fallen ones know who He is to each one of us who still has a soul. His love is our protection, all we have to do is accept that, and accept Him. As a consequence, they influence people in spotlight positions to make it ‘uncool’ to even just say the name of Jesus.
By degrading the name of Jesus (The Amilous), they remove us from His love and protection. This is why raising our consciousness is so important. We need to learn the truth for ourselves but can only do so when we no longer take part in the games of darkness, which is literally placing a division between us and Renewal. We MUST awaken and begin to see through the veil of illusion!
So in the end, whether we choose to follow religion, not follow religion, be spiritual or not, connected or not – we each are here to experience life in a physical body. For those who choose to stay in a third dimensional consciousness, more third dimensional experiences awaits. Until we raise ourselves up to a higher state of being, we will continue to experience spiritual slavery, pain, heartache, war, lack, discrimination and all manner of lower vibrational experiences.
However, those who are consciously working towards healing the self and raising their consciousness are not being spared lower vibrational experiences and there is a reason for that. If you are here on earth at this point in time, you are still living in duality. Duality means choice, and as we are created with free will, it means each minute of every day, we decide our future with the decisions we make.
People with a high vibration are also targets for dark attacks, witchcraft, demonic attacks and so on. So remember to always protect yourself.